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"The love hollows we finally here!" Grimmjow teased, leaning back in his chair and putting his feet up on the table. Ulquiorra said nothing and instead took a seat next to Aizen on his right side before motioning for me to take a seat next to him.

"Shut up Grimm Kitty." I blush before sitting next to Ulquiorra. Everyone was quite as I looked down at the table in embarrassment. I never knew they could be so weird let alone tease me and being so friendly in general.

"Everyone is staring at you... " Zangetsu pointed out. I shivered as I was brought out of my thoughts and looked up at everyone.

"It is creepy to stare t people you know." I mutter before turning away again.

"He is so cute!" The third Espada, Tier Harribel, squeeled. "I am so keeping him!"

Ulquiorra, who typically does not show his emotions, hissed at her and pulled me into his lap. "No." I flailed around as his arms tightened around me again before I blushed. This is not like me. What is happening to me?

'Seems like you have a crush King. And it seems like a bad one.' Hichigo laughed at my embarrassment that resembled a tomato.

'Shut up Hichigo or I will yeet you off of this building!' Zangetsu defended me.

"...chigo! Ichigo!"

"Wake up before I throw you through the roof!" Grimmjow shouted at me. I flinched a little not expecting to be yelled at.

"I am up! Sorry that I am still trying to adjust Kitty Cat!" I snapped at him.

He blinked owlishly at me like he was surprised at the outburst. "What's wrong with you?" He asked.

"N-nothing!" I squeaked as Ulquiorra shifted below me. I could feel my face was ablaze from Hichigo going 'Ichigo and Ulquiorra sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!' Yep. He is being really mature right now...

"Must you embarrass the poor boy? He is obviously uncomfortable at the moment." Coyote Stark, the first Espada, said lazily, putting his head on the table.

"Yes. That would be best. As amusing that this is to watch, we have some things we would like to share." Aizen coughed, disrupting their teasing. I hid my face in Ulquiorra's chest as Gin started to speak.

"First of all, Ichigo Kurosaki has decided to join the Espada. He is Espada number Zero, the strongest of you all. Don't be fooled by his embarrassment, he can kill you all easily if he wanted to." Gin smiled.

"You are going to make them hate me Gin." I mumbled as Ulquiorra rested his cheek on my head.

Gin chuckled not replying to me and turned to look at Aizen. "Ichigo here is going to lead you guys so he is the second in command. Even though he only follows my orders when he chooses." Aizen muttered the last part and I raised my head to smirk at him. "Secondly, the Shinigami Soul Society have decided to hunt him down and exterminate him. So I give you permission to kill any Shinigami that you see."

"Except for Byukuya, Toshiro, and Kenpachi." I piped up. Everyone looked at me in question. "W-well they tried t-to h-help me..." I trailed off before hiding my face again.

A loud boom echoed through the room and I jumped out of Ulquiorra's arms, startled, before face planting with the floor. "ICHIGOOOOO!" An angry voice yelled as the owner stormed towards me. I eeped and tried to run before the angry green haired woman with rather large breasts picked me up by the back of my neck. "Where have you been?" Nelliel hissed. "I have not seen you since we got here." She said angrily, mother henning me.

I curled in on myself a little bit as she held me, like a mother cat holding her kitten. "Sorry Kaa-chan..." I mutter quitely.

Her face softened as she pulled me into a hug. "So cute!" She squealed, pulling my face into her large breasts and I tried to push her back.

"C-cant b-breath! Your breasts are suffocating me!" I wheezed as she held me in a rib crushing hug.

"Nelliel. I would recommend that you drop him before we have some problems." Ulquiorra glared, his reiatsu dark and threatening, at the green haired ex third Espada. Everyone by now had their full attention on us and Grimmjow being the stupid kitty he is, decided to rule Ulquiorra up even more.

"Oooo! I want to play with him too!" Grimmjow grinned at me, giving me a creepy smile.

"I would much rather not play at the moment..." I choke out, still suffering from suffocation.

Grimmjow pretended not to hear me and yanked me from Nelliel and dragged me out into the desert by my wrist. "Let's go!" He grinned. I whimpered, not really knowing what is happening at the moment.

"GRIMMJOW! I WILL KILL YOU!" I heard Ulquiorra yell before his reiatsu approached us rapidly. I could tell he was in his first form. Seconds later I could see him flying over the sands towards us using his large black wings. He is so hot I just want to f- NO! Stop that thought. Bad Kurosaki! "DON'T TOUCH MY MATE BASTARD!" Ulquiorra barreled into Grimmjow who was so surprised that he dropped me while he was in the air close to a thousand feet in the air.

"What the hell!" I yelp as I started to fall.

'I guess now would be a good time to tell you that you have wings?' Hichigo informed.

I felt a build up of pressure in my back before it was released and large black wings, twice the size of Ulquiorra's, flared out, immediately catching air and making me glide to the ground. As soon as my feet hit the sand, I stumbled and fell to my knees, my wings dragging in the sand. The difference in the weight messed up my balance so bad that I can't stand, let alone walk. Half an hour later, Ulquiorra came over and picked me up bridal style before launching into the air.

"Seems like I am going to have to teach you how to use those massive wings of yours." He smiled a small smile at me and I smiled back tiredly.

"That would be nice..."

Unlikely Love (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon