Chapter Three: A Drink

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Just wanted to edit a few things because I apparently was half asleep when I first published it.

Callum had been doing nothing but absentmindedly watching television as he impatiently waited for Ian to call him. After, realising that his best friend only lived about fifteen minutes away from Ian's client, Callum offered to drop Ian home after he was done. He swore that time was standing still as he barely focused on the screen in front of him. Instead, he was more focused on the clock that was hung a few feet above it. He swore the repetitive ticking sound was driving him insane.

"Do you need me to call an exorcist?"

Callum turned around to look at his closest friend, Joseph- the one who jokingly told him to hire a prostitute in the first place. He was leaning against the sofa Callum was sat on, nonchalantly eating an apple.


"You've been staring at the wall for the past five minutes and the white paint doesn't seem too interesting to me." He shrugged, taking another bite out of the apple. "The only option left was that you were watching a demon or something."

"What would you do if there was one?"

"A demon? What do you think I'd do, Fight it? I'm black, I'd move in with you, hire an exorcist so it wouldn't come after me, and then start looking for a new place to live."

"Hey, I'm white and I'd do the same thing."

"You know what I mean."

He did.

"So, what are you actually doing because you're sure as hell not watching the TV or the wall."

Callum sighed, "I'm waiting."

"For what, your rebound?"

"He is not a rebound, Joseph." His tone was harsher than anticipated.

Joseph put a hand up. "Damn, I was just joking. Why are you getting all defensive with me." He squinted. "Why are you so offended about me calling him a rebound? Are you doing more than just the good ol' frickle frackle?"

"Frickle frackle...?" he started before dismissing it. "Joey, come on... He's just a new friend. Alright? You know I've never been into that kind of thing."

That technically wasn't a lie.

Joseph grumbled as he took another bite. "Yeah, a new friend that made you show up, uninvited to my house in the middle of the night... I could've had a girl over!"

"Says you!"

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"You know what I mean!" He laughed.

Joseph couldn't keep the smile from growing on his face because he absolutely did.

The light-hearted atmosphere was shattered after the shrill ring of a phone echoed throughout the room and after seeing the caller ID Callum immediately answered.

"Come get me." That was all Callum heard before the line went dead.

Three stupid words. That was all he got. But that was all he really needed to send him flying out of the seat and rushing to the door.

"Wait... Cal."


"Remember I've been your best friend for years, alright? I'm not trying to control you or anything but just try not to rush into anything. I know this whole time I've been telling you to hurry up and get laid but just... stay smart and don't do what I would do."

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