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Team groaned lying on his back, his eyes were heavy and hot, he feels so dizzy as his sorrounding started to spin, his throat were dry and the heavy rain outside added the cold temperature in his room, he can't even stand straight in his state. He extended his hand to pick his phone on his bedside table to call Mark who is now in Vee's company.

"H-Hey, can you go home? I am sick." Team said as soon as Mark answered.

"Argh, my head hurts." Team whined but can still frown when Mark didn't answered but ended the call quickly.

"Damn Mark! Is having a love means sticking to each other all the time leaving your cutest cousin alone? Then I don't want one anymore!" The sick boy complained before closing his eyes aiming for a good sleep.

"Team? Can you get up?" Team can hear a familiar voice but his eyes were still close, he feels like he is going to burst because of the heat anytime.

"Eat some so you can take meds." Followed by another. But the voice seems like Mark doesn't own, he opened his eyes slowly and to his surprise, it is not Mark but Win.

"Why are you surprised? Can't I take care of my wife?" Team could feel the heat added more on his cheeks, he looks away then grab the bowl of porridge from Win and eat it by himself. If being feed by you will cause my heart to be happy but later on will be hurt, I rather feed myself.

"Why didn't you call me?" Win asked. Team didn't answered as he just leaned his back on the headboard. Here he is again, I am sick but he can still play his games.

"Are you mad? You don't look me in the eyes anymore." Win added. Team again didn't answered.

Win heaved a sigh as he handed the medicine to  Team seeing that the bowl is empty, the latter take it and put the bowl on the bedside table not even glancing at Win. The moment Team drink it all in one gulp, he immediately went back to sleep again, Win can't help but to stare at the sleeping nong even if he is facing the Team's back, he sigh as he remembered how Team is trying to act like nothing happened, how Team is avoiding him everytime. He got used to Team who keeps on dragging him around when he needs a ride, when Mark declined Team's mukbang invitation; he was there instead or the younger would call him just to ask him to deliver or buy food for him even though it is almost midnight; he even ditch his friends or exes for that and so many remarkable memories but now, seems like Team isn't willing to share those moments with him again.

Have found someone already? Did you actually look for one? Am I now not your 'husband' like how we used to address each other?

"How am I going to make you be like that to me again?" In a low voice Win asked.

"I miss you." And that made Team to held his breath, he isn't sleeping; he is just pretending, he thought Win would go out after but seems like he isn't willing. His heart started to beat rapidly as he feel like the other side of the bed has been lowered and there an arm hugged his waist slowly, Team still didn't move nor make any noise.

"Goodnight." The  words Team heard before silence took over, the senior's breath landed on the younger's nape giving Team a little shiver but later then, he decided to just let the senior before he close his eyes.

If you catch a fever, I will do this to you as well hmp.

Morning came and Mark's frowning face can be seen in the large house, he brought the porridge that his father made for Team but what he had witness is Team sleeping comfortably on Win's shoulder with a slightly open mouth snoring softly and there the culprit, who left them yesterday making Mark to finish all the work himself; Win hugging Team is what made Mark's brow raise, he isn't against for their loveteam but he is against at Win's unclear motive.

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