Ageplay Punishment (baby!harry)

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Can you do a prompt were Harry keeps acting up at concerts so the boys decide to put him in diapers as punishment. The punishment is only supposed to last a week because of Harry's attitude but Harry ends up loving it. So the boys keep babying him so they force him into ageplay. I know thats a lot but thx xxx. -From my friend Dani


Harry- going into a 1 year old headspace

Louis- Daddy





A new day, a new concert. Which means another misbehaved Harry. The boys were at the stadium setting up and rehersing. The only one not doing a thing was Harry. He was sitting on a speaker playing games on his phone. This upset the boys. Haz never seems to do a thing and when he does its because there was a fight and he lost.

"Harrah, can you maybe help set up?" Liam asked unpatiently. "Let me think....NO! Fuck off" Harry yelled pissed that they keep bugging him. He doesn't want to perform. It's stressful. The stress of having to sing in front of a crowd just gets to much. It starts to effect Harry's mood before hand. Liam walks away from the younger lad. Little did Harry know the boys are going to do something about.

The guys bought a few things a few weeks ago. They include diapers, toys, dummys, onsies, a playpen, etc. They decided this is Harry's last chance to be good. If he acts up tonight they will punish him. No matter what he says. Ageplay was the answer. Harry was going to be their baby.


They were singing rock me and Harold thought it would be funny to change rock to a different word

" I want you to FUCK me, mmm, FUCK me, mmm, FUCK me yeah!!!"

Hary yelled out to the crowd. Most of the people in the stadium were kids. Louis slapped the back of Harry's head when the song finished. But that was only the beginning. During little thing he made fart noises, he cursed at the audience, and poored water on one of the security guards heads. The boys have had enough.

When the concert ended and all of the lads were backstage they tackled Harry. "What the fuck guys! Get off now!" Harry yelled at the top of his lungs. Paul saw what was happening but left it alone because the boys told him about this before hand.

"HAROLD EDWARD STYLES! YOU WILL STAY STILL OR I WILL PUT YOU OVER MY KNEES AND TAN YOUR BOTTOM GOT IT?" Liam yelled over Harry's screams. He stopped struggling and layed there with 3 of the lads holding him down. Liam on his right arm, Zayn his left, and Ni holding his legs.

After Harry calmed down Louis started to take H's pants and boxers off. "Please guys stop it! What are you doing" Harry said in a quiet strained voice. Then he saw Louis pull a white thing from behind his back, Haz knew exactly what it was. Harry started to struggle again. Kicking and twisting  up a story. Liam turned him on his stomach quickly and gave him four harsh swats to the rear end. (Remember Louis already took Haz's boxers and pants off. So he was hit bare bottom)

"Haz this is a punishment. You are going to cooperate or else. You will wear a diaper and do as we say for the rest of the week, no buts or if, got it?" Niall said firmly. Harry already having tears in his eyes just nodded.

What was Harry feeling? I'll tell you. He felt useless, helpless, and small (even though he is the tallest). He never should have been bad and mean to the lads or the fans. But a piece in Harry was enjoying the crinkly feeling of the nappy on his bottom.

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