He messed up

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"Fuck off" German yelled. Everyone's faces went looked at him in shock "I'm not your goddam son" "I'm a child, not a warrior, just let me have a childhood" Germany yelled once more time until felt his cheek sore, he got slapped by his father "enough!" He yelled at Germany "you behave like that again your gonna move away from here!"

"Fine, put me in another school that's is far away from you!" he yelled once again with tears on his face and ran away. Everyone was shocked by his behavior, everyone thought he was sort of an angel. Even his father was in shock he thought he raised him good enough, he truly felt embarrassed everyone's eyes were on him. Felt like hours for him just to say a sentence. "Forget this scene, I see you talking about this, you are a dead man," his father said to everyone.


"This apartment is crusty," Germany said while looking in. Well at least we got his dog with him that's one good thing. Trying to drag the suitcase inside the apartment. He thought it weighed like 100kg but felt like a ton.

"The world hates me that much"


I'm sorry but I'm gonna change the story is just awkward to read it.

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