chapter 9

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A pillow hits my face waking up with the sound of deep breathing,

"JULIAN!" Jade screams, I shoot up into a sitting position and see Jade leaning on the wall with one hand and rubbing her stomach with the other; I jump out of bed pulling on a pair of shorts and a tshirt before picking up Jades robe and sliding it over her shoulders. I slide on some shoes and put Jades slippers on her and we made our way to the car, It only takes us fifteen minutes to get to the hospital and into the ward. I let our family's know what's going on as Jade gets examined; Jade sucks on the gas and air between telling me how she's booking and appointment for a vasectomy after this is done, I take no notice but hope it was just the drugs talking.

"You know what I'm looking forward to most after this?" I ask trying to break the mood Jade gives me a deathly glare,

"What?" She asks

"Being able to eat mushrooms again with the sound of you being sick every time" I joke

"Blame your daughter" Jade laughs before putting the gas and air tube to her lips again. My phone buzzes letting me know our family's were here, I kiss jade of the forehead and go and greet them quickly,

"I have to go back soon" I say pulling each person in for hug, apart from Ernest he picks me up of the floor as he hugs me;

"Is she okay?" Her mother asks

"Yeah, it shouldn't be too long now" I tell them as I get a coffee from the machine in the waiting room, a nurse rushes through the doors calling me inside; I  hand my coffee to Ernest and rush back to Jade's bedside.


Julian holds our baby girl in his arms; a smile plastered across his face as he gently sways Adeline in his arms. 

"She's perfect" he sings 

"She looks just like you" I tell him, he smiles and hands her over to me. She looks so peaceful laying asleep in my arms like she was meant to be there; Julian kisses the top of my head and goes to let in our family. One by one they each take a space by my bed each taking turns in holding Adeline in their arms; 

"What did you decide to call her?" my mother asks 

"Her name is Adeline Julia Bennet"

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