chapter 7

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Julian and I come back home to see our little flat decorated in our wedding colours and confetti scattered over the floor, a picture of the pair of us in on our wedding day sat in a gold picture frame on our coffee table; I drop my case at the front door and pick the frame up tracing the edges of the frame with my thumb. Julian creeps up on my wrapping his arms around my waist kissing my neck before resting his head on my shoulder,

"You looked very handsome" I tell him

"I think this is my favourite picture of us" he explains, I put the picture back on the table and turn to face him wrapping my arms around his neck

"I love you Mr Bennett"

"I love you too Mrs Bennett" he leans in kissing me, I move my hands to the bottom of his T-shirt; I feel a smile creep on his face as he he kisses me. Julian pulls me up into his arms and carries me to the bedroom, he drops me on the bed before taking his T-shirt off and climbing on top me; it was good to be home.

The next day I was back at work being addressed as Mrs Bennett, I met up with Isla for lunch. Isla is sat at one of the tables in our local café, she spots me and jumps out of her seat.

"Look at you, you're glowing!" She exclaims

"That's two weeks in Greece for you" I joke, we take our seats and the waitress takes our order.

"So tell me, how was Greece?" She asks

"It was beautiful, I have loads of pictures look" I tell her pulling out my phone and pull up my honeymoon folder then slide my phone over to her. Isla scrolls through the pictures asking about something in every one, the food, the people, the villa. Our food arrives Isla hands me my phone and we eat quickly before I have to leave to go back to work.

I get home that nigh and find Julian sat on the sofa with a book on his lap,

"What are you reading?" I ask kicking my shoes off and throwing my bag on the floor

"Nothing, just our wedding photo book" he says,

"Oh let me see" sing rushing over to his side, we flick through the planned pictures and the ones from our disposable cameras.

"They delivered the copies here too we need to send those out" Julian tells me.

"We can do that after dinner if you want?" I ask

"Or we could deliver them now and pick something up on the way home" he suggests

"I like that idea" I say jumping up from the sofa, I quickly change into jeans and a t-shirt sliding into a pair of trainers,

"Are you ready?" Julian asks waiting by the door with a bag full of the photo albums,

"Yeah let's go" I say grabbing my car keys. We drop of the books of to our family's and close friends. We stop off at our local Chinese takeaway before going home, I change into my pyjamas and we settle in to watch harry potter and the prisoner of Azkaban and eat our dinner.

I few weeks later I wake up with an aching pain on my lower back I dig out a heat pad from our medicine cabinet to put on after my shower and I scrape my hair into a messy bun and have my shower, I put the heat pad on my back and let it get to work before getting ready for work; I pick out a black pencil skirt and a red blouse. I brush my hair into a high pony straightening it before applying some makeup, I walk into the kitchen and see Julian standing in his arm uniform making a coffee in a to go cup.

"Good morning" I say reaching up on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek

"Good morning" he smiles, he gets another to go cup out from the cupboard and fixes me a cup of coffee. I put my shoes on and take my coffee from Julian blowing him a kiss before leaving for work. I take a sip of my coffee as I walk into work and gag, something about it was not right; I pour it down the sink in the break room and grab a water from the vending machine just outside the office. I sit at my desk feeling really uncomfortable,

"Are you okay?" One of my co - workers asks, I turn to the voice and see Jackie; Jackie was a tall woman with long golden brown hair.

"Just tired," I reassure her, she's like the office  mum always looking out for others.

I develop a headache as the day goes on, I leave work early and put a cool head strip on my head before going to lay down. Julian wakes me up a few hours later changing my cool head strip,

"I didn't mean to wake you" he tells me

"It's okay, I wouldn't sleep tonight otherwise" I say patting his cheek

"What do you want for dinner?" He asks

"I'm not hungry, I think I'm just going to take a shower and change" I say.

The next day my headache still hasn't gone, I make a trip to the nearest superdrug for paracetamols; I walk down the isles when a bright blue box catches my eye. Tampons, I'm sure I was due soon; I grab a pregnancy test and the paracetamols and pay before making my way home. Julian left for work so I was home alone, I take the test and set a timer; my heart races waiting for the alarm to to ring. What seems like an eternity come to an end with the sound church bells, I pick the stick up covering the result with my hand; I take a deep breath and look.


I wait on the sofa for Julian to come home the hours flash past, my heart beasts fast as I hear his key in the door; Julian pauses seeing me. He puts his keys down gently and walks over, crouching down to me putting his hands on my knees.

"What's wrong?" He asks

"I have something to show you" I say my voice shaking, pull the pregnancy test from behind a pillow and hand it to him. He looks at it and looks at me, he looks at me questionably I nod knowing his question and he scoops me up in his arms and kisses me.

"You don't seem happy about it" he says when he sees my face

"What if I'm a terrible mother? What if I can bond with it? What if..." I ask, I feel my hear racing as all the thoughts rush through my head, Julian takes my hand; I look at him with my eyes full of tears.

"Jade, Jade listen to me; you will be a fantastic mother, your mum will be there, my mum. There's so many people here to help you" he reassures tears fall from my eyes and I nod, Julian wipes the tears from my cheeks and kisses me. We will be okay.

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