{Lost Puppy}

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Kunimi's POV

"Come on Kunimi!!" Kindaichi really wants me to punch him huh?

"You'll have fun I promise!" He said.

"I don't want to. Go away." I really want him to leave me alone. I gotta get home and do my homework but he won't stop nagging.

"Ugh!!!! You never want to go to parties with us!" Hanamaki whined.

"And it's gonna stay that way." I began to walk away.

"Fine! We won't go if you won't." Matsukawa stated witch made me stop in my tracks and turn around.

"We can hangout at a park or something. Just hangout with us, this one time. Please?" Yahaba asked.

"Fine! Promise to leave me alone the rest of the week?" I groaned.

"Promise!" The three of them said including Oikawa. They were dragging me and Iwaizumi to hangout for absolutely no reason at all.

We went to a random near by park which happened to be right across from a dog park. I haven't really told anyone and Kindaichi is the only one who knows how much I love dogs. My mom would never let me have one so I just gotta love them from a distance. (;-;)

I sat on a swing that was opposite from the dog park so I could see the dogs play.

I felt a bit calm for a while and suddenly I was drifting into my own thoughts and forgot the situation. I just sat there watching the dogs play not really paying attention to anything else.

"Akira!!! Come back here!!" I suddenly snapped out of my thought when I heard my name being called.

Me and all of my friends looked around confused.

I suddenly felt something wet on my hand and immediately looked down.

There I saw a beautiful German Shepherd licking my hand. I was still a bit confused but I felt myself smile a little bit before petting the dog. It's still small so I assume it's still a puppy.

"Akira!!!" I heard my name again and shot my head up and looked around.

"This isn't funny Akira! Come back here!" Me and all of my friends started looking around with the same confused look on our faces.

"THERE YOU ARE AKIRA! STOP RUNNING AWAY!!" I heard the same voice but this time it was closer.

Then I saw a girl approaching us from the dog park. The dog I was petting just turned around and barked excitedly wagging his tail.

"Can you stop running off like that Akira?" She smiled softly at the dog as she got closer.

"You keep scaring me!" She said as she took a leash out of the pocket of her hoodie. The dog whined once he saw the leash.

"I know you don't like it, but you gotta stop running away bud-" she cut herself off when she noticed me and my friends.

"Ah! Um...sorry!" She bowed a little.

"My dog just keeps running away from m-me." She said as she bent down to pet the dog.

She put the leash on it and scratched the back of his ear with a smile on her face.

"Come on Akira, lets go home. Play time is over." She said and was about to walk away.

"Your dogs name is Akira?" Yahaba asked.

"Um...yeah." She turned back around to face us. They all laughed except for Iwaizumi and I. She looked a bit confused.

"Our friend here, his name is also Akira."  Hanamaki pointed at me and laughed. I was still sitting on the swing but I still gave him an annoyed look.

"Oh...that's nice." She said nervously.

Her dog walked back towards me and sat in front of me. It looked at me and I looked at him. He tilted his head to the side and I tilted my head with him to make it seem a bit fun. I then smiled and giggled a bit.

All of my friends gasped and the girl jumped in surprise to their gasps.

"Did Kunimi just giggle???" Oikawa said with his eyes wide open. Even Iwauzumi-Senpai looked surprised.

I glared at them before turning my head back to the dog and petting his head.

"Um...c-can we go now...um I kinda have to go home now." The girl said. She looked a bit uncomfortable.

"Yeah. You can go." I answered.

"I'm Oikawa!" Oikawa said quickly.

"I'm Kindaichi."

"I'm Yahaba."

"And I'm Hanamaki. What's your name?" Hanamaki asked.

"I-I'm F/n L/n..." she looked away.

"This is Akira." She pointed at her dog.

"This is Kunimi aka Akira and that's Iwaizumi." Kindaichi said pointing at me then at Iwaizumi-Senpai. She nodded.

"O-okay...I'll be going now." She bowed and everyone said their goodbyes before she left.

"What a nice girl." Oikawa said. I rolled my eyes and continued to watch the dogs play.


This is my second book!

So um...thank you for reading!!

Here's a cookie-

༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ🍪

Puppy boy (Kunimi Akira x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now