Show and Tell part 2

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When the world comes back into focus, I am met with three awestricken faces.

"You're... you're... eyes", Kayuta stammers.

"They just... healed", Itoro remarks.

"Was that your trick?", Lehana asks. "Because if, so that doesn't count".

"How does that not count?!", I say

"Because you were a pile of dust like an hour ago", She replies. "insta-fixing your eyes after some retinal damage doesn't count as a new trick".

Hyde laughs and says "she has a point".

"Where did you even find these people?", I say to him under my breath.

I stretch out my arm and extend my fingers with my palm facing upward. A long gash forms across my hand and from it, a low buzzing sound emits. A single fly wiggles its way out of the open wound, then another, and another, until the house is filled with dozens of buzzing insects flying in a circular formation.

The trio of magicians stares up at the spectacle, their eyes wide like children visiting the circus for the first time. They smile... and they laugh, and for a while... it feels good. The veil falls away and people see the monster but they don't scream; they see me and... for once that feels okay. I make a fist and the insects begin to disappear, their bodies exploding into tiny clouds of black essence before vanishing completely.

Kayuta claps and says "That was pretty goo—", before he can finish his sentence he is interrupted by the sound of tires screeching.

Itoro peels back the blinds to see a rusty van parked just outside the house. "Shit", he mutters under his breath. "They're back".

Lehana quickly hops to her feet and runs to the window to take a look. "You're right", she says with a solemn head shake.

"We could probably head out of the back door and make a break for it", Kayuta says. Just then the sound of more screeching tires can be heard behind the house. "Never mind", Kayuta says with a nervous chuckle.

Hyde floats upward and phases through the ceiling. He stays up there for a few seconds before coming back down and saying "There are more trucks coming. I counted five".

"Shit! Shit! Shit!", Lehana repeats over and over as she paces back and forth.

"We can deal with five", Itoro says confidently as he starts to wrap his hands with bandages to protect his knuckles.

"Easy for you to say!", Kayuta shouts at him.

"What's that supposed to mean", Itoro shouts back

"I'm just saying that some of us don't exactly know what death feels like and I'm not itching to find out", Kayuta retorts.

Hyde sighs and says "I can attest to it not being pleasant. What, say you Pestilence".

I shrug and say, "It's a crapshoot, I've had some good and bad experiences with it. What exactly is going on here, by the way?".

"Stupid people, with big guns and a point to prove", Kayuta says.

I look to Lehana. She shrugs and says "Yeah that's the short version of it."

"I see", I say as I start to walk towards the door.

"Wait where are you going?!" Itoro shouts from behind me.

Suddenly the door frame begins to shake against the force of pounding fist Three loud knocks ring out and a deep voice shouts "Open up witch! We have business with you!".

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