In Pursuit of a Diamond (Chapter 15)

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Brief word from the author:

I feel crazy.  In a good way.  I cannot believe for the life of me that I am actually sitting here writing the 15th chapter of my own story.  Wow.  Never before have I been able to get more than two chapters of a story written.  And I mean never.  I'm amazed that I still haven't lost interest in this story.  Of course, it's because I know that there are people reading it, enjoying it, and expecting new chapters that keeps me going.

Sorry I don't post very often.  It's not writer's block that's holding me back; it's sheer laziness.  I always write each chapter in one, sometimes two, sittings, and it's really hard for me to get into the writing mood enough to create a decent chapter.  It's a pathetic excuse, but an honest one, all the same.

Well, enough from me.  Here's Chapter 15!  Enjoy!

Yours in spirit,



Aubrey didn't need to be told twice.  His leg stilled pained him, causing him to walk with a limp, but he still quickly got up to join Genny at the door.  "Now?" he asked softly, almost disbelivingly.

"Now," she nodded.

The two of them set off down the hall.  "Believe or not," Aubrey muttered, keeping his voice down despite the unsettling emptiness of the hallway, "I've completely forgotten where the exits are in this place.  I've only used one once."

"That's fine, I know the building like the back of my hand," Genny replied, but not with complete certainty.  She herself had never bothered leaving the building. "I'm pretty sure there's an exit at the far end of this wing here."

Aubrey glanced anxiously over at her.  "Pretty sure?"

"Positive," she corrected herself, but his gaze didn't waver.  "Come on, Aubrey, I got this far, just trust me, won't you?"

Aubrey sighed, but nodded.  "Fine.  Just so long as you get me out of here unseen.  God knows I've had--" He stopped short, then suddenly pulled Genny with him into a small corner behind a wall.

"Aubrey!" she gasped, "What is it?"

Aubrey shushed her and pointed down the hall. "Seems our luck is running out."

Genny looked to where he was pointing.  Korvin Bieler and Volker Mustela stood at the end of the hallway, arguing so loudly that she was amazed she hadn't noticed them until now.  "It's okay, they didn't see us," she whispered, "We'll just have to wait until they leave."

"Fine," Aubrey replied, leaning up against the wall as Genny did the same.  After a moment, he suddenly smacked himself in the forehead and looked over at her.  "The Diamond!" he whisper-shouted, "Genny, we have to turn back; I'm not going to leave here without it!"

"Shut up, and don't worry," Genny muttered, pulling the jewel out of her pocket.  "I've already gotten it."

Aubrey stared at it in amazement for a brief second, then held out his hand.  "Well, come on, then, give it here."

She pulled it away.  "Not yet," she said, "Before you go running around with it again, I'm curious.  I want to know how you came to have the Diamond in the first place, and how you ended up here with it."

He glanced nervously over to the two men down the hall.  "Genny, I don't have time--"

"Don't try that.  With those two, you never know how long it's going to be before they're done arguing.  Mustela's probably giving Bieler hell about leaving his post, so we have plenty of time.  Come on, I got you the Diamond back.  The least you could do is give me some answers."

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