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As they reach the How, Grace's nerves start to settle in again. The fun and long hours of walking had brought her head from what's really happening. Grace was in a whole other world, and a war was upcoming. Her thoughts were swarming as she and the Pevensies reached the walkway, and she stepped aside with Caspian. She was not a queen nor knight, and stood to the side respectfully. Caspian started his march inside, and she followed behind. A centaur smiled at her warmly and gave her a respectful nod. She smiled back brightly and bowed a little. Caspian turned back when he realized he had lost Grace, and nodded at her that she should catch up. She smiled again at the centaur and jogged to catch up with the prince.

They caught up to the Pevensies, who were looking in a tunnel of drawings. Grace looked closely and saw.. them! The drawings were their story, from how they found the world to their coronation. Grace approached Lucy, who had a sad smile on her face while looking at a drawing of a faun.

"Is that Mr. Tumnus?" She asked lightly, and Lucy nodded.

"I wish you could have met him, You two would get along perfectly. You're a lot alike. You're both kind, funny, and very optimistic." She giggled, but her face fell. "You both were willing to make sacrifices for me.." A tear fell down her cheek and Grace bent down to look at the girl.

"Lucy, we are both willing to sacrifice for you because you are worth sacrificing for. I'm sure Mr. Tumnus knew you loved him very much. It's not your fault that everything happened. You only ever wanted the best for Narnia." She wiped the tears from the girl's face as Lucy flung herself into her arms. She felt her shoulder get wet, but didn't mind it. She rubbed soothing circles into Lucy's back and whispered comforting words to her. Edmund, a couple drawings ahead of the pair, admired Grace. She and Lucy were like puzzle pieces, and he was grateful that his sisters now had such an amazing friend. They soon stood together, and walked forward. Grace smiled at Edmund as they passed, and he gave a nod in thanks.

"What is this place?" Susan asked. Caspian pulled a torch from the wall.

"You don't know?" He strode down the tunnel quickly, leaving the rest to catch up to his pace. They reached a room that felt large, but one couldn't tell. There wasn't a single source of light. That is, until Caspian dropped his torch to his side, which lit a ring of fire that surrounded the room. It illuminated many more intricate carvings in the walls, this time of centaurs, bears, badges, dwarfs, fauns, and.. Aslan. The great Lion stared down at the group, almost as if he were there. Lucy left Grace's side to put her hand on the Stone Table in the center of the room. The stone table that Aslan died on, I presume. thought Grace.

"He must know what he's doing." Lucy's voice was hoarse, her eyes still red from her earlier tears. Susan walked forward and put a comforting hand on Lucy's shoulder, their time with the beloved king coming back to the two.

"I think it's up to us now." said Peter. He sounded determined, and no one dared to protest.


Later, Grace sat on a small perk outside of the How. She watched bustling Narnians train, talk, and laugh, and she counted help but sigh.

"Penny for your thoughts?" a voice came behind her, startling her a little.

"Geez Ed, warn me next time you're going to sneak up on me." He snickered as he plopped himself down. He nudged her shoulder with his.

"But then it wouldn't startle you...Gray." Grace made a face at him.

"What?" She laughed. Edmund shrugged.

"I dunno, you called me Ed and I tried to make a nickname for you. You're name is quite difficult for that y'know." Grace nodded and turned back to the scenery.

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