Chapter Six

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Lola could see him watching her from where she was perched on Cindy's lap. It was break time and she had joined her friends on the chilling table in the school's large play field. Chilling on the table was the best part about school as it was always surrounded by the livest people in her year.

As usual Aaron had taken the spotlight and was rapping out his latest tune with Demarco beatboxing and Alicia singing the chorus besides him. When the trio came together, they sounded so live that most of the year 10s stood around and watched. Once again, Lola risked a peek over at the football field where most of the boys who didn't engage in fun activity usually stood with hands in pockets, heads buried in their zipped up puffer jackets - looking like the thugs they were. They were the bad boys; all about image and everyone knew that their lives would only lead to no good. But still, as they would all stand against the fence around the football pitch, blacked out with permanent scowls on their faces, people couldn't help but feel enticed by them. Everyone wanted to be noticed by them. Despite their bad ways, they were still those guys. They had money, confidence and the majority of them were the buffest boys in the school.

He was still watching her.

Lola suppressed her smile, continuing to suck and chew on her strawberry laces sweets as if she didn't notice him. By now the trio had finished their mini performance and everyone had exploded in cheers. Gun fingers were jabbed in the air as everyone edged them on in excitement.


"Man like Aaron ya kna.."

Lola joined in the laughter as Aaron began to overdramatically curtsy and blow kisses to his audience.

"Nah that was hard still." Lola held her breath as she witnessed Remy spud Aaron, nodding his head in approval.

Her eyes shifted back to the pitch to see that Xavier was still standing there and hadn't come over with Remy who had just been leaning against the fence with him a few minutes ago. Remy was a part of 'those' guys. And now that he had come over, all attention had shifted over to him as it was rare for them to join the lively bunch. However, Remy was known for getting along with most people as he wasn't as closed off as the rest of them.

The fun continued as someone began to make a beat on the table with their hands causing everyone to start making noise again, some people comically attempting to make part two of what the trio had performed. During the entertainment, Lola caught Remy's eyes on her and turned to him with a freshly threaded arched eyebrow. A knowing smirk grew on his face as he walked around the table and approached her. Lola could feel the incessant prodding on her thigh buy an excited Cindy.

"Remy's coming. Remy's coming!" She hissed in her ear.

Lola turned and made a shushing sound with her mouth, "Calm down man. It's just Remy."

Unbeknownst to Lola, Cindy was head over heels in love with him.

Jeremy stopped in front of the girls with a cheeky grin. "You alright, Lola?" He nodded to her before leaning to the side to see her friend behind her. "You alright?"

Cindy could only managed a nod of the head, not trusting herself to speak. Meanwhile, Lola couldn't help but roll her eyes. It was Xavier she wanted - not the best friend.

"Ay lemme chat to you real quick." He nodded his head over to the side.

Lola ignored him, continuing to munch on her sweets and witness the singing and dancing in front of her. Cindy stared at the back of her friend's head in awe. Only Lola would ignore someone like Remy and get away with it. She admired how Lola didn't conform to the norms of the school. She did what she liked. Said what she liked. And spoke to whoever she liked. This might have been the reason as to why she caught Xavier's eye.

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