Part 3 - The Wedding

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The white silk wedding dress was beautiful. It was expensive but beautiful. I looked at Harry as if saying "Can we afford it?" He answered my gaze, "Babe, I'm part of an international boy band. We can afford anything, you want." The invitations had been given out. The set wedding date was February 1st, Harry's Birthday. He was the love if my life and my dream hubby. To think that he was going to be my real hubby soon was unreal. We had planned the whole wedding, but I had a feeling that Harry was hiding something from me.

It was the day, the day that Harry and I were to commit our love to each other. My bestie Carrie, had done my make-up and hair and I was ready to marry him, The best damn looking lad in the world. Harry had organised a live band for the after-party but he had kept the name of the band secret. Harry was supportive and romantic but secretive and thats the way I liked him. The Colour theme was white and it was set on the beach. With the beautiful rolling waves and the crunchy sand under foot, Harry and I were so glad to be doing this together.

My Dad walked me Down the sandy aisle. Tears ran down my face. Harry was waiting diwn the other end in his white tux with a white rose elegantly positioned in his pocket. Harry and I exchanged vowes and that was it we were MARRIED!

At the after-party Harry and his band played my fav songs: She's Not Afraid, Still the One and I Would. Harry Styles - My Hubby

My Boyfriend, Harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now