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Ryan's POV. I glared aggressively at the two young boys who stood in front of me now, narrowing my eyes in their directions. I couldn't believe that they took off and thought it would be acceptable to run through a hospital like they were raised out in a barn. I frowned to myself, disappointed as a parent could be.

"Officer, what did these two boys do now?" I question, realizing what I said sounded worse than what I wanted it too.

Our kids were turning into regular hooligans getting into trouble with the law and everyone else that seemed to cross paths with them.

"Well, honestly nothing. But I knew they were too young to be back here and be by themselves too boot. So I stopped them and was getting ready to take them up front to have the guardians found for them." The officer explained, sighing slightly. He acted as if this was a waste of his time and I could understand how he felt, honestly.

"They are my little brothers. I left their older brother and sister to watch after them and this is what I get. I'm incredibly sorry for whatever disturbance they caused and we'll be on the way, so you won't have to deal with anything else." I assure the officer, sending him a half smile.

The officer releases the boys and gives them a slight shove in our direction. Grayson and I each take one of the boys and head towards the exit to go back out to the lobby.

Once we reach the lobby, I find Aaliyah, Bradley and Callie all sitting in chairs. Jason and Johnathon trudge along beside of us and have horrified expressions on their faces.

I could see Bradley's face heat up with rage and anger, which led me to believe he was truly watching them when they ran off that he wasn't slacking.

I motioned for all of them to walk out to the car with me. I was no longer worried about the news I just got, I was more interested in finding out what happened and settling it with these children who think they can do whatever they please.

"I want to know what happened. Now." I demand, closing my car door and placing my hands on the steering wheel.

"We was all sitting down, when Johnathon and Jason decided to wait for one of the doctors to walk in so the automatic door was left open for a second before they dashed off without anyone being able to really stop them. The door closed before I could even get in. No doctors were listening to me to let me in and open the door for me either. I'm really sorry, I was paying attention. I swear I was." Bradley comments, a slightly pleading look on his face.

The only person who didn't seem too concerned was Aaliyah, she was calm as could be with her nose still poked in her phone.

I glanced over at Grayson who didn't seem to be doing so good. He looked kinda pale and I didn't want none of this stressful ass childish bullshit to be on his plate. So I took control and Grayson didn't seem to want to fight about it either. I knew he needed the rest.

"Aaliyah did you offer to help Bradley with the younger kids?" I questioned, earning a disgusted look from her.

"No. They aren't my responsibility. We were at a doctors office. Not my problem Bradley can't keep them in control for twenty minutes." Aaliyah replies sassily, throwing her hands up.

I had it already decided, not just two kids were getting punished today, but three.

"Bradley, you aren't in trouble. You did what you could. Thank you, I'll be handling the other three of you when I get to the house. Each and everyone of you better be in your separate bedrooms in the corners. I don't want no protest because you guys are already grounded as well for two weeks after this ass whooping and I wouldn't have my hopes up for sitting down the rest of today either." I announce opening, preparing the three kids in the back seat for what's about to happen when we get home.

I Warned You. (Louis Tomlinson Spankfic.)Where stories live. Discover now