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Grayson's POV. The ride to the doctor's office was quiet until we arrived and then all the kids' started to come more alive finally and started communicating with each other. I grabbed Callie by the hand and kept her close to me as all walked across the street to the entrance way of the doctors' office.

Jason was stuck to me like glue ever since this morning, he wouldn't even let Ryan wash his face and hands from breakfast before we left the house. I also felt a huge tensity between me and Johnathon and there was definitely a reason for that.

Aayliah sighed for the millionth time and stared down at her phone with an annoyed look on her face. She had the worst attitude this morning and it was starting to wear down my patience with her.

"Aayliah, if you would like, I can take your phone away since you didn't seem to comprehend and hear what I had to say to you inside the car," I warn, narrowing my eyes slightly.

"Maybe I wouldn't be such a pain in the butt if you would just answer my question and stop treating me like I'm six." Aaliyah quickly responded, raising her voice slightly.

"Aaliyah, if I thought it was important for you to know right now, I would tell you. You are not the adult here, I am. So watch yourself and pipe down, clear?" I spoke up, matching my tone and loudness with her.

Usually, Aayliah was a well behaved respectful young lady to be around, but today she sure wasn't being. Aayliah huffed slightly, poked her earbuds in and ignored my statement completely.

We had barely walked in the door of the office, so it was almost impossible for anyone to hear the words me and Aayliah exchanged, which I'm thankful for.

"Find a chair and sit quietly," I suggest as we walk through the door and I head up to the counter to sign in and get the paperwork I need to fill out.

Ryan was already whispering something into Johnathons ear and we haven't even been in here for ten minutes. I had a feeling this was going to be one fun ass trip. I sighed quietly and ignored the lady at the receptionist desk heart eyes and wink, wanting to part of that.

I had been here before so all I needed to do was sign in and fill out a small form, which took me less than five minutes. I turned back in the clipboard and the lady didn't even look at me the second time around.

"Bradley and Aayliah, I want you to watch the kids while we go to the back when the doctor calls us. Am I clear?" I questioned, raising my eyebrow slightly.

They both nod and I just lean back in my chair, Callie sitting next to me on one side and Jason on the other, playing with a toy car he brought with him to keep him occupied for a while. Usually Johnathon but he didn't and refuse to allow the older kids' to give him their phones or something, considering what happened this morning.

We sat there for a good ten minutes before a nurse came up to the door and called my name to come back, Ryan stood up and let out a breath before rubbing the back of his neck which is something he does when he gets really nervous.

"Make the kids' behave." I direct, mainly to Brad because Aayliah was definitely not listening to me today.

Aaliyah's POV. I was so annoyed with how Grayson was acting that I almost lost it and said some stupid things that would have really gotten me in trouble. But at this point, I didn't really care too much. Something is seriously wrong with him and he just won't tell me, he treats me like one of the little kids' and then tells me to grow up all the time.

It makes no sense to me what so ever, so I'm done. He can do what he wants and I'll do whatever I want. It's a fair deal, but it's of course not good enough for Grayson. I mentally groan because I'm just making it a huge deal when it's nothing.

But I couldn't let it go, so I just stayed in a chair and gazed off into nowhere, but not before Brad quickly jumped up from the chair next to me and grabbed a hold of Callie's arm as she dashed to go out the door that was recently opened due to it being automatic.

Bradley growled and sat the young girl down next to him and controlled his temper before talking to her.

"Don't you ever dash out of an open door ever again! That is dangerous and you are so lucky I didn't bust your ass for that!" Bradley snarled, keeping his tone cold and low to let Callie know just how much trouble she was really in.

He dealt with the kids so much more better than I did. I don't think any of them take me serious when I tell them to do something. So I just let it go and let one of the older brothers' take care of it.

Jason stayed seated and played with his toy car while Johnathon had an incredibly irritated look on his face as he tapped his foot and I could just tell he was thinking of some trouble to get into. I didn't put it past Bradley to discipline one of the younger kids if they really needed it, simply because when he wasn't being an arrogant brat and cocky, he was a really good model for the younger kiddos. 

Everyone had finally settled down, but not for very long. Jason and Johnathon started poking at each other and of course, like it always does, it leads to an argument or fight. I could see Bradley getting extremely frustrated at this point and I couldn't blame him, but I knew they weren't going to listen to me either. 

"Cut it out!" I growl lowly, eyeing the two boys'. Bradley looked up at me slightly shocked but returned his attention to Jason and John and quickly swatted both of their thighs, giving a look that only Bradley and Grayson could manage to do. 

That look from Grayson makes me just wanna crawl into my closet and hope to god he doesn't find me. It's that intimidating. It has me feeling like I am two inches tall and I can't stand that. 

Both boys decided to take that as their warning and calm down and I felt a slight bit of an accomplishment, considering they did as we had told them. But, I should have known that was not how it was going to be. 

Johnathon and Jason kept eyeballing us and whispering, but we figured it was just them trying to annoy us, so we didn't say anything and that was definitely our mistake. 

In literally the blink of an eye, the two boys dashed off down the hallway, through a door that hadn't closed from previous entrance of one of the doctors. I followed them, chasing behind them and Bradley stayed behind with Callie. 

The automatic door closed and there was no other way I could ever get to them unless an employee unlocks the door now. 

I sigh and run a hand through my hair. This was my fault because I didn't speak up sooner or do anything about their actions. 

Grayson's POV.  I wiped a tear from my eye, Ryan had been wiping his as I shook the doctor's hand and exited the waiting room, letting out a shaky breath as I start to walk back out to the main entrance to get the kiddos so we can head home. As I went to comfort Ryan, something quickly caught my attention.

Two boys' ran past the hallway and it snagged my attention, so I quickly turned around and paused for a moment, contemplating if I should go back and see who those two kids' were or not. 

I immediately started walking back to the other hallway when I realized I have two young boys in this building. I came around the corner, spotting Jason and Johnathon running down the hallway, giggling insanely. 

"What in the world are you doing?" Ryan asked before he popped around the corner behind me. 

I pointed down the hall to the two boys running and he immediately groaned and let out a deep breath. 

"Well, you don't have cancer but one thing you do have is some disobedient kids." Ryan mumbled, leaning against the door frame. 

Hey, peeps~! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, it ended what everyone has been so eager to find out, but it still leaves some room for curiosity about his medical condition and how much trouble those kids' are in. If you enjoyed this chapter, please like and comment~! It makes me so much more eager to update knowing that ya'll have really enjoyed my writing. Thanks, so much, peeps~!!!

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