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     I was shocked, excited, and frightened all at once.

     "Have a seat." The invitational greeting was casual, like this was a date, and he even politely stood as I approached closer.

     Immediately on guard, I slowly obeyed, settling across from him. Why had he done this? Revenge was the obvious. But was duping me, as he had been duped, revenge enough, or did he have something more sinister in mind? Never had I understood more gravely the dangers of tricking someone, making them feel like a fool, and even causing them an upheaval in their life.

     "What's your pleasure?" He asked, when a waitress materialized beside the table.

     "Um--just water, thank you." I told her.

     "Water and two Margarita's." He ad-libbed, and as she moved away with the order, he explained, "It's happy hour." When I could not seem to find any words, his own words were droll, "I hope that's not what you are going to wear to entice my girlfriend."

     Ignoring his sarcastic reference to my casual attire, I retorted, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

     Falling casually back against his booth, he regarded me with those hypnotic brown eyes. "Not anymore, thanks to you."

     Refusing to shoulder the blame, I returned blithely, "My part was small. The ending was up to you."


     "All you had to do was turn me down."

     Our drinks arrived, and we paused in our combative exchange long enough for the waitress to distribute napkins and glasses. Flip words were part of my brave front, but inside I was quaking and my heart beat madly. When she was gone, he took a long swig of his beverage, then asked, "Do you enjoy what you do?"

     "Not usually," I returned coldly. "I don't enjoy telling some trusting woman that her man is the two timing creep she suspected him of being. But sometimes, yes. When I find a decent man among all of you jerks."

     "Spoken like someone who has been jerked around herself." The comeback was smoothly executed. Again, I was taken by his looks. Eyes that could shimmer with a hint of hostility one second, and amusement the next. I was attracted to him in a big way, and I had to look away for fear of revealing it.

     Forcing my attention away from every physical feature that seemed so perfect, and to his latest ugly barb, I replied, "Hasn't everyone, at one time or another?"

     "Oh, but you have issues, don't you?!" It was phrased to incite me, and it did.

     "Look, I have got a dozen more productive things I could be doing--"

     As I slid to escape from the seat, he stopped me with a touch of his hand on mine. Pushing the Margarita my way, he encouraged amicably, "Drink up." When I hesitated, he added, "You owe me a date remember? You stood me up."

     A stronger force than my will was at work, and helplessly surrendering to it, I dropped back to my seat. Because I could think of nothing to say, I put the straw to my lips.

     Having won the round, he leaned back comfortably in his booth. "So what does a nice girl like you do when she's not playing the bad girl?"

     For the hundredth time, I felt ashamed of my charades. Wanting to reverse the terrible image I knew he must have of me, I returned with some pride, "I just graduated Tech."

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