Chapter 5

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I stared across the room in disbelief. I was stood there so long that Robyn actually came up to me to see what was wrong.

Robyn: Oi, you were meant to be getting drinks... What are yo-...

Robyn had followed my eye line and saw him. She stood shocked for a second before walking over to him. She ripped him off her before screaming at him.

Robyn: You dirty, cheating bastard! You think it's acceptable to mess around with this whore because I'm not in the room! You know what... Don't ever speak to me again! We're finished! Never call me or try and talk to me again!

With that she slapped him hard round the face, and began to walk towards the door, completely outraged. I stared at her as she harshly grabbed her coat and stormed out. I slowly went back into the living room, not quite sure what had just happened.

Jai: Woah, bro, you look like you saw a fucking ghost. What's wrong?

Beau: Well, urm, I... Connor c-cheated on Robyn, she slapped him round the face and stormed out...

Katie: What! That's it we're going home. This has been amazing but I can't let Robyn be by herself now.

Luke: Ok then. We'll come with you... I mean, we have spent the last 3 hours together.

Holy shit, it was half 1. I had no idea- everything had gone so fast..

Katie: Right, let's go...

We were at Katie and Robyn's dorm room in five minutes. We walked inside to find Robyn tearing photos of her and Connor off her wall and burning them with a lighter. She still wasn't crying which showed that she was handling this extremely well.

Lea: Robyn! Calm down... We know you're mad at Connor bu-

Robyn: Fuck Connor! If he thinks he can treat me like that he can go fuck himself!

Lea: Yeah but you're drunk and I think you might regret burning every photo of Connor you own... Come on, let's do something to cheer you up.

Megan: Let's play spin the bottle!

Robyn nodded her head in agreement and James downed a bottle that he had taken from the party.

Megan: I SPIN FIRST!!!

She span the bottle and it landed on Katie

Megan: Come here Katie, you sexy beast!

The pair pecked on the lips but the rest of us shouted at them that mouths must be open and kiss must last for 20 seconds at least. So they kissed again, which engaged ridiculous amounts of cheering from the twins..

So Katie then spun and it landed on Skip...

James: BOOOOOO!!! It can't be your boyfriend! That's shit!!

Katie ignored him and continued kissing Skip. Skip spun and it landed Robyn... I wasn't happy. I know it wasn't his fault but still... Out of all the people sat in the circle. They kissed whilst jealousy surged through me.

Robyn : Yeah, fuck you Kate, it's me and Skip forever now!

Becky spun the bottle and it landed on me! Me! Thank you Lord Jesus Christ! But, suddenly, nervousness began taking over. I wasn't used to this, I was always the confident one. I leaned in for the kiss...

Robyn's POV:

Oh my god, I was about to kiss Beau... He was ridiculously fit and as he got closer to my face I stared into his eyes. My God, why was he so perfect!? I kissed him and it was like one of those really cheesy kisses in movies. It felt like we were the only ones and my heart was pounding so loud and fast, I swear to God he could hear it. I had butterflies in my stomach, for Christ sake. It was like I hadn't had a boyfriend 20 minutes ago... Jesus, had I not been with Connor for only 20 minutes!?!? It felt like a lifetime...

Megan: Woah, how long??

Our kiss stopped abruptly as me and Beau realised we had been there for over 2 minutes... I quickly looked around to see everyone just staring at us. I looked back at Beau but he had turned away from me. I felt so awkward...

Beau's POV:

Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. Holy motherfucking shit. That kiss it was... it was fucking amazing. But still, I couldn't believe I'd just snogged her for over 2 minutes. I hardly fucking knew her. The game continued for awhile but I couldn't stop thinking about her and the kiss.It got to half 2 in the morning and we all said our goodbye, exchanged phone numbers etc. I didn't even say bye to Robyn because I knew that it would be too awkward. As we left, the boys confronted me...

Jai: What the fuck was that!?!

Beau: What??

Luke: That kiss with Robyn...

Beau: What about it?

Luke: Dude, you were going at it for ages...

Beau: It wasn't that long.

Luke: It was way over five minutes!!

Holy shit, that was worse than I thought. No wonder the boys were acting like this.

Beau: Can we just forget it??

James: Oh come on... It's so obvious that you like her.

Beau: I don't know what you're talking about...

Jai: Come off it, we all know anyway.

Beau: So I think she's pretty, so what?

Luke: Beau... She's your type and on top of that she has an English accent and amazing boobs.

Now, that pissed me off.

Beau: Why were you staring at her boobs!?!?

Luke: See, right there... You were jealous at the thought of me looking at her... Even if you don't admit it we all know anyway.

With that, they all went on to teasing Skip about Katie. I didn't see what the problem was anyway. So what if I liked her? So what if I kissed her for five minutes? So what if I thought she was perfect? I realised how creepy that sounded considering I'd know her for 5 hours. I walked home in silence trying to keep me thoughts off of her...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2012 ⏰

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