Chapter 14 - Back in Race's Arms

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"I will fight ya, if 'nd only if, ya let her go, right here 'nd right now" Jack says.

Amelia POV

I feel a panicked look come on my face.
"Jack! No!" I say. Ace, Scar, Jax, and Jets are smirking again.

"I wills too" Spot says. I start crying. It's probably from the pain, confusion, and worriedness.
They both look at me; I know that they're doing this for me, but I'm still worried.

"Fine, come get her!" Scar says as Jets pushes me to the ground.

I let out a cry of pain as I hit the ground. I'm crying and I can't get up. Jax, Jets, and Ace snicker.

I see the other Newsies let go of Race and he runs to me. "R-Race" I manage to say through the tears. Race is also crying.

"I got ya Amelia" He says and he picks me up and holds me in his arms. As he carries me, I can faintly see Jack and Spot looking relieved, but nevertheless worried.

When we get back over to the Newsies, my brothers hug me and so do multiple other Newsies, like Blink, Boots, Crutchie, and Specs. Race says to save the hugs for later, we still have fights going on.

Jack is gonna fight Scar and Spot is gonna fight Ace. This makes me worried.
"Don't worry, Jack 'nd Spot know wat dere doing. Dey've done dis before" Race whispers to me. It makes me feel a bit better.

Jack and Scar start their fight. After 5 minutes Jack is down, but he kicks Scar's legs, causing Scar to fall to the ground, groaning in pain. Scar is a good fighter, but Jack is better. Jack uses all of his pent up anger and wins the fight. Scar leaves the fight, soaked bad, and very angry. Now, Spot just has to win his fight, which we have no doubt that he can. I was more worried about Jack, for some reason.

Within the first 2 minutes of the fight, Ace is black and blue. When Spot is mad, he fights hard, and he was really mad. I don't really know why I was worried. He won his fight and he and Jack sent Scar, Ace, Jets, Jax, and the rest of the Harlem Newsies packing.

Jack and Spot had a few cuts and bruises, but nothing that was too bad or that they hadn't had before. I also figured, that if any of these Newsies, not just Jack and Spot, if any of them could've fought a Harlem Newsie, they would've won, because of how mad they were, especially my brothers. Well, maybe not Lucky, and a few others, but most of them. I would too, if someone else had gotten hurt, but right now I'm in too much pain to be angry.

"Don't evers come back!" Jack yells after the Harlem Newsies, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"'Nd don't fink of hurtin' one ofs us again!" Spot yells too.

Race is still crying, and so am I. I'm in so much pain. There are also a bunch of other people crying, too. And, I'm still in Race's arms, not that we care. We're just happy to be together again.

Race carries me back to the lodgin' house and puts me on his bunk. There Specs and Mush rush to grab bandages and stuff. While they're grabbing stuff, Race sits with me laying on him, with my head on his chest. Oscar and Morris sit beside us and Blink, Boots, and some other Newsies sit on the floor. When Specs and Mush have the stuff, they rush to me to see how they can help.

I have multiple bruises on my face, including one on my right eye and left cheek. I have more bruises and cuts on my arms and legs.

While Specs cleans my cuts, Mush looks at my foot. After a few minutes of moving it around, while I'm still crying, he says that it's broken. Woo-hoo, I get to be Crutchie Jr. again, not that I'm complaining.

After a while, they finished patching me up to the best of their ability. My foot is wrapped and there are multiple bandages on my face, legs, and arms.

Mush and Specs sent Blink, Boots, Lucky, JoJo, Sniper, Romeo, and a few other boys to find me a new crutch, partially because the Harlem Newsies broke my old crutch, and also because they needed space to work, since the other Newsies were crowded around Race's bunk. So, after a little while, the boys came back with a new crutch for me.

I love this chapter, it has drama and cuteness! ☺️
Anyways, only three parts left until the book is over, and I must say, end of chapter 15, all of chapter 16, and most of chapter 17 is my favorite thing ever! Maybe, just maybe, there will be a ship, but who will it be?

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