Chapter 4 - Target

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Morris POV

I pick up Amelia, frantic, and say to her,
"Don't worry, we're gonna help you" before she blacks out. Oscar is still yelling at our Uncle and I tap him and he realizes how bad the situation is. He kicks Wiesel onto the ground and runs upstairs with me carrying Amelia.

Oscar starts packing a bag and we change into Newsie-like clothes so that we would fit in with the homeless kids. We change Amelias clothes to look like what we wore, except a girl version. Skirt and all.

We climb out the window and thankfully, the second floor is not too far from the ground. Oscar jumps down first and I hand Amelia to him once he's on the ground and jump down.

We run into an alleyway and decide to stay there for the night. We make a plan for tomorrow to try to find shelter, but for tonight we bandage Amelia's face. The three of us are definitely too weak to deal with our uncle and Snyder right now.

Oscar and I decided to go to sleep, so Oscar lays of the ground next to me and I lean against a wall with Amelia leaned against me.

In the Morning (Still Morris POV)

"Morris, Morris!" Someone says shaking me awake.
I wake up and look up, at first I can't tell who they are, but then I realize.

"Race, Albert? What are you doing here?" I ask, struggling to speak.

"We was walkin' ta ours selling spot, when we's saw yous" Race explains before asking, "What happened?"

"Our uncle was mad at Oscar and I, really mad, so he picked up beer bottle and just threw it. It hit Amelia and sent pieces flying in our directions. We all got hurt, but Amelia got the worst of it. She blacked out after getting hit and we ran. We're probably a target now..." I explain. When I finished Race and Albert looked shocked.

"Wow, dat' change came quickly. Wes used ta dink ya guys had da' perfect lives, buts I guess not. I'm sorry dat wes ever hurt ya 'nd made da problem worse..." Albert says pitifully.

Last night Oscar and I weren't bleeding as much, but now we were bleeding a lot, and not just where the glass shards hit, but where we had been beaten yesterday, too...

"It's not your fault, you didn't know..." I said, "We should never have hurt you in the first place."

"Yous didn't 'ave a choice, 'nd also, mays I just mention dat yer' sister is cute 'nd she's my age" Race says, lightening the situation.

"Racetrack... I was not kidding when I said that I would kill you if you touched her or broke her heart, but if she likes you and you don't break her heart, I'll stop Oscar from murdering you and let you and her be together" I say and Race looks like he just got the best surprise in the world.

"Should we's get Jack, Specs, Mush, and Finch?" Albert asks.

"I don't want to drag you guys into the mess that we're in, and if Snyder or Uncle Wiesel find you with us, we're all dead" I say.

"Dat doesn't madda' youse needs help 'nd we'se gonna helps ya. I'll stay wit youse 'nd Albert, go get Jack, Mush, Specs, and Finch" Race says.

"You don't have to, but thanks" I say, giving a soft smile.

Sorry for the kind of short chapter, I wanted to save the next part for the next chapter.
'nd - And
We'se/We's/Wes - We're/We is
Yer'/Ya/Youse - You/Your
Wit - With
Dat - That
Madda' - Matter
'ave - Have
Dink - Think

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