Chapter 37

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I spit more blood on the floor after Paul backhands me again. I see Lennox and other members of Crane's team flinch a little, but nobody moves to stop him.

In all my time shadowing Crane growing up, I've never actually been in this room before. It was always a locked door down a little hall from his office. But I know exactly where I am.

This is the room where that man lost his fingernails for trying to save his family. This is the room where you pay the price for violating rules. This is the room for punishment.

My right eye is swelling up so much it's getting difficult to see. I have several cuts on my lip and blood flows freely from nose. Rough rope digs into my wrists, which are bound behind my back in the straight-backed metal chair I'm sitting on. So far, Crane has said nothing, only nodding for Paul to continue assaulting my face every time he looks back at him.

I don't even have time to fully recover before Paul smacks my ear, leaving a ringing sound. I cringe away, tears leaking out of my eyes as much as I try to keep them in.

Finally, Crane lifts his hand and Paul backs off. He comes forward with arms crossed, looking down at me with simultaneous smugness and distaste.

"I trust you'll be willing to tell me what I want to know," Crane says evenly.

I glare up at him, wincing at the pain the action gives me. "I don't see how I could, seeing as you haven't bothered to request any information," I say through my teeth. My voice rasps from being choked earlier, and lisps from my fat lip.

"An oversight on my part. I do apologize," Crane says with crisp politeness. If I didn't know him so well, I wouldn't be able to see that he is barely suppressing his rage. His wild eyes betray how unbalanced he truly is.

"Who is your leader?" Crane asks me.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I reply.

Crane nods to Paul, who steps forward and punches my cheekbone. I feel my left eye start to swell up as well.

"Now, perhaps you'll stop replying like an imbecile and give me some real answers?" He sneers.

I stare at him mutely. It's all I can manage through the throbbing pain.

"I repeat. Who. is. your. leader." Flecks of spittle shoot from his mouth as he speaks.

"Hate to break it to you, but I have no idea," I tell him. My lips feel foreign, they're so swollen and puffy.

"Impossible! You've been in with them from the beginning! How else could you get Norman to defy me!? Your bitch of a grandmother brought you in, didn't she? She's still pulling strings, isn't she!?" Crane loses it, screaming in my face.

I blink, unable to say anything. As terrified as I am of my father, I refuse to betray everyone. He probably already knows who all is involved. They must have been watching the cave-in entrance for a long time, making note of who went in and out, waiting to capture me. I can't give him more information than he already has. We've still got a shot if they can act fast. We have the numbers, probably numbers he never dreamed of before tonight.

Crane grabs my shoulders and shakes me violently. I cry out in pain from having my injuries jerked around, and he shoves me back, almost overturning my chair. My eyes can't stop watering and stinging, making it hard to see. Roaring in frustration, he rakes his hands through his hair, pulling it almost comically. I hope he rips it out.

"How dare you defy me, you worthless excuse for a daughter!? I am your father and your chief!" Crane yells.

"You're not." I mutter under my breath.

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