A First Experience

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3rd person pov

A man in a suit of dark green armour stood against a horde of Demons who all looked to him. He stepped forward, his foot crushing a skull as he pulled out a sword with a transparent red blade.

The demons began to charge as he gripped the blade tightly, soon charging at them too as he pulled his arm back. Ducking under an attack he grabbed the sword with two hands and swung forward, chopping them in half.

As the blood splattered against his helmet and he rammed into another Demon, everything went to black before someone shot up in their bed upon hearing an alarm go off.

Y/N: Crap, I'm late!

A average looking teen scrambled out of bed and tossed off his pyjamas, beginning to change into hia school uniform onto to atop upon seeing someone hanging in a frame on his wall.

It was an old piece of junk his grandfather had left him, but he swore he saw something like it in his dream. Pausing for a moment he soon shook his head and continued to dress himself.

Over at Kuoh academy Rias paced back and forth nervous, biting her finger nails while a few of her peerage looked to her in confusion, having no clue what she was fretting about.

Issei: Uh... what's going on with her?

Akeno: Hm? Oh, right, you don't know much about the history of Devils. Well, in a few days time there's going to be a annual event we have, mourning the loss of many of our people

Issei: You mean about that war you mentioned, between the Angels, Fallen and Devils?

Akeno: Goodness no. This one was due to the rampages of a mad man

Rias: And to top it all off, my family expects me down in hell to give the remembrance speech. None of you can come with me too

Hearing a bell ring they all knew it was time to leave for class so most left while Rias sat down and ran her hands through her hair, freaking out about what the hell do to... no pun intended.

Sitting beside Rias, Akeno placed a hand on her shoudler in an attempt to comfort her as the Gregory hunched over, sighing quietly to herself she lowered her arms and kept her gaze on her lap.

Akeno: Things'll will be fine. Just say what they give you, then walk off

Rias: I was ment to write my own, but i've been so busy that i only wrote a paragraph

Akeno: I'll help you with the rest. But let's go, poor attendance shouldn't be a problem you're having too


A yawn escaped Y/N as he walked home, stretching his arms above his head he let his bag hang off one of his arms. Slouching over he heard someone walk up behind him and clear their throat.

?: E-Excuse me...

Turning around he saw a girl a few years older then him, her hair being long and black but her outfit belonged to a different school, one he didn't recognize which made him suspicious.

Y/N: Yeah?

?: I-I've been watching you for a while now, and... w-well, i wanted to know if... you...

Y/N: ...I see what's going on here

?: You do?

Y/N: Look, I get it, times are tough. But there's no need to whore yourself out

?: What!?

Y/N: That school uniform is obviously fake, and you're too old for high school. So just... go home

?: A filthy human... saying that shit to me. How dare you...?

Growing nervous as she hung her head and shook slightly, Y/N took a step back only to feel a pang in his chest which causing him pain. The feeling began to spread as the woman held out her hand, light emanating from it.

She saw the what was happening to him which confused her slightly, the rage she felt subsiding as he fell onto one knee and held his chest, almost seeming like he was having a heart attack.

Having problems breathing Y/N gasped for air, his arm shaking as he tightly clutched his chest. The woman lowered her hand, soon going to grab him in order to take him away.

However his arm shot up and gripped hers fiercely, making her wince as she tried to pull away. His head stayed low, being able to see greater muscle definition under his clothes.

Y/N: Y-You're... pretty s-small...

?: What are you on about? Let go of me!

She tried to pull away once again, but his grip was way too tight, bordering on painful for the Fallen Angel in disguise which shocked her as she was under the impression he was a normal human.

Y/N: But your g-guts... th-they're big

He was cut off when she formed a light spear in her free hand, shoving it through his chest which made his body jolt. Seeming to deflate to normal size he slouched over, the light spear fading.

?: Weird bastard

Kicking him to the ground she began to walk away, leaving the teen on the floor with a hole through his chest. Everything faded from vision for him as things went cold.

Soon he could hearing beeping, it being slow and methodic. Other things came into his hearing, the faint talking of people, the rattle of a cart and the squeaking from wheels.

His eyes opened only to be met with a bright light above him, making Y/N raise om arm to block it only to groan in pain as his chest throbbed, sending pain all throughout his body.

Raising his right arm he blocked the light and looked down, noting that he was in a hospital gown, all the sounds being various noises from the hospital he was apparently in.

Using his other arm he gently lifted the neck of his gown, looking down it to see a faint wound through his chest which looked way more healed then it should for what he went through.

He managed to slowly force himself to an upright position, soon tearing off things from him which made the EKG machine flatline as his feet touched the floor below him.

Stumbling forward Y/N caught himself and panted, remembering what happened as the face of that woman was burnt into his mind, but what happened to him was a complete mystery.

?: Sir! Please, lay back down!

He turned around to see a nurse who came running after his reading came up with a flatline. The nurse slowly came over to him, their arms raised slightly before their hands landed on his arm.

Y/N: N-No, i can't. I don't have health insurance...

Nurse: Please, just calm down. A kind woman brought you in, and you haven't fully recovered

Y/N: ...Wh-Who?

They slowly lead him down onto the bed, turning off the EKG machine so the flatline would stop before going to the door. They gestured to someone outside to come in as they stepped back.

A moment later a blond nun stepped in, her green eyes landing on Y/N before she let out a sigh of relief which confused the teen. The nurse soon left as the nun sat down on the chair beside his bed.

?: I know you probably have a few questions. My name is Asia, and i'm the one who healed you

Y/N: I'm Y/N... and how? I-I mean, i'm pretty sure i had a hole in my chest

Asia: Well, it's a but weird to explain, but one day i suddenly grew to ability to heal people. A-And i felt drawn to you, for some odd reason, then i found you and healed you

Y/N: Thank you... I owe you a favour, for doing this. I'm pretty sure i'd be dead without you

Asia: I-If it's not too much to ask, i need a place to stay- o-only for a day or two!

Y/N: That's something i can do. Thank you again, Asia

Asia: It's no problem

(Lemme know what you think)

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