Benji - 10

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The next time Benji saw his parents, later that night, he told them he would not be transferring. He didn't even let them say anything before he got everything out. When he finally stopped to breathe, they looked shocked and confused.

"We already paid for the application fee," his father said, dumbfounded.

"I can pay you back," Benji said, thinking about his savings from his job.

"That's not the point. We committed to this program. You committed to this program, Benjamin."

"You committed for me," He said, in a low tone. "I never wanted to transfer."

"So what are you going to do after you graduate? With a Sociology degree?"

"I don't know. But I'll work hard and figure it out. I just don't want to play the violin anymore. Not professionally."

His father huffed. He turned, ready to say something when his mother's held his arm.

"Jim. He is right, he didn't ask him."

He turned to her, in a low yet harsh tone.

"After years of private classes and orchestra—"

"We have a son who is an excellent violin player, yes." His mother cut him off. "That's not all he is. We are letting Lizzie quit pageants, so why can't Benjamin quit the violin?"

Before his father could reply, his mother turned to Benji.

"We know you're a hard worker. You'll figure it out, Benjamin."

He nodded, whispering, "Thanks, mom."

Before things could get any more awkward, he gave his parents his new violin, cleaned and inside the case.

"You can probably still return it. It was really expensive. Besides, I like my old one."

His mother took the violin. Then, looked pointedly at his father.

He took a breath, seeming to finally settle down. He nodded at Benji, patting him on the back.

"As long as you're happy, Benjamin."

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