Benji - 9

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Benji noticed his parents sat on the second row when he came out with the rest of the orchestra to the stage. He wore a suit, his hair combed to the side. They took positions, and Benji opened the music paper on the first piece of the program. His solo was the fifth in the program, after three initial pieces and the cello solo. He looked up, as the last people trickled in through the door before the orchestra started.

His father was angrily pressing on his phone, probably trying to figure out how to record the performance. His mother waved and Benji raised his hand, awkwardly. His palm hung in mid-air, as his eyes traveled up, following the last two people to run inside before the door closed. Meredith, wearing her shimmery, knee-length green dress over a black winter coat, short heels, with her hair down. Behind her, Seth wore dark jeans, a white button-down and a navy blazer. They scurried away to a seat towards the back, sighing once they finally sat down, adjusting themselves.

The conductor indicated for people to get in places, and the lights illuminating the audience dimmed, making Meredith and Seth almost disappear. Benji could barely see them in the audience, but he knew they could see him.

As Benji moved the violin and bow in position, he wondered if he somehow forgot he had invited them. He might have mentioned to Meredith about the concert earlier in the semester, but she was terrible at keeping track of events. They could have seen the posters around campus or checked the event of the college calendar, but that seemed like a lot of work. On top of that, they dressed up for the event, unlike most students. He didn't know what to make of it. Did they come to an agreement, after their argument at the party? Were they there to talk to him? Did they finally decide to tell him? What was in all those unanswered messages? What would they say? Was Benji wrong all along?

Benji almost missed his queue.

He played mechanically, having performed that piece several times before. He used to love making covers or trying to create his own funny pieces, but somewhere between orchestra and practice for professional playing, something had dimmed. It was a chore now, an obligation to his parent and his school and his talent. There was nothing more of himself in it.

When the first part of the orchestra was over, they all stepped to the side for the cello solo. Benji peeked through the curtains, checking on the new wave of people filling the auditorium. His parents were focused on the cello piece. On the back, Seth and Meredith murmured softly to each other. They held hands.

"You ready for the solo?" Lara asked behind him. Benji jumped.

"Yes! Yes, just some... Stage fright."

Lara peeked at the curtain behind him and squealed.

"Is that them?" She pointed at Seth and Meredith.

"Shh!" Benji looked around and lowered her hand.

"Oh my God, that's so adorable. Also, Seth is super cute."

"Lara, they'll notice you!"

"They won't, it's dark." She swatted him away.

Benji couldn't believe they were actually having a conversation about it, like it was normal.

When the cello was over, Benji walked towards the light in the center, avoiding looking at the audience chairs. He had played that piece a hundred times, he reminded himself. He knew it by heart. Bach, Partita 2, Chaconne. His hand trembled as he opened the music paper on the stand, and he tried to let the usual emotionless focus take over. He started playing.

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