Prologue and a little introduction of the story :)

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Hello... this is not going to be like any of my other stories i have written. In fact its not going to be a fanfiction like my others. This is going to be a story of a girls life and how things can change within just a little amount of time.

Holly's life couldnt get much better, well that was what she always thought when she was younger. That was until one day when everything in her life changed. Things happened and memories were destroyed. Her life was pulled down and nothing could bring her back up. That was until one day something came through the post. Holly's life was going to pick up and begin to get better, well thats what she thought but again it was brought back down, below the floor. Nothing could change the way she felt. Nothing could change the way she wanted to end her life right there and then. Nothing would change the way she was feeling. She couldnt live like this forever but again things changed. She still never believed thing would go to the way they were before the drama first started but they were slowly getting there.

Read on to see what happened in Holly;s Early year.

Let me know hwat you think of this and whether you will be planniing on reading it. I need to know whether i should keep writing or not ;)


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