2. The Boy In The Iceberg (PT.2)

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*Timeskip to when Appa gets to the village*

Aang does some airbending to prove he is the avatar

Kids: Wooooooaaahhhhhh

Aang: Hey y/n ?

(Y/N): yeah?

Aang:  you said we could go penguin sliding right, can we go now?

(Y/N):  "Sure" she says exited,

*Cit to Aang and (Y/N) having fun with the penguins*

Aang: "What's that" he says pointing to a huge metal ship stuck in the ice.

(Y/N): oh, erm that's an old fire nation ship, it's been there since Gran Gran was young,

(Y/N): "AANG" she yells at the boy as starts to climb up the ice to the ship.

Aang: come on you know you want see what's on the ship.

*Aang then climbs into the ship*

(Y/N): I just know I'm going to regret this,

*(Y/N) then climbs into the ship*

(Y/N):  Aang be careful this ship could be booby trapped ,

*Aang then accidentally sets off a huge flair into the air*

(Y/N): I said be careful!!!

Aang: Sorry, I didn't mean to,

(Y/N): lets just get back to the village

* Timeskip to when they get back to the village *

Sokka: STOP
*Sokka points a spear at aang*

*(Y/N) jumps in between Sokka and Aang*
"What are you doing?" She asks angrily

"Did you not just see that huge glare, he was signaling the fire nation"

"No he wasn't, it was an accident"

"Y/N stop if I have to go I will" he says sadly

"If you go I'm going with you"

"WHAT" Sokka says angrily

"You heard me, If he goes, In leaving aswe—

"No Y/N stop, You shouldn't leave your family just for me"

"But I-"

"No buts" Aang says, you should stay, he says cutting her off.

*Aang mounts Appa*

"I'm sorry, But it was fun while I met you Y/N" he says as he turns to fly away

*Tears start to well up in Y/N's eyes again*

"Are you happy Sokka, there goes my one chance at being a water bender" she says through her teeth whilst trying to fight off the tears.

*Katara leads Y/N away*

*Timeskip to when the fire nation are almost at the tribe village*

"Black ash" Y/N says as she looks up,

*Suddenly the ship comes within sight over the walls*

*Sokka and Zulo have their little fight which ends quickly*

"Oof"Sokka says as he hits the ground


*Aang suddenly comes in on Appa*

Aang then fights Zuko and finally agrees to go on his ship with him,

Y/N: AANG, no you can't go with him

Aang: sorry Y/N, but if it means keeping you all safe I will

Zuko then takes Aang away,

Y/N: "I'm going after him" she says while still looking at the ship sail away from them,

Katara: No your not

Y/N: Katara you're not stopping me fro-

Katara then cuts her off,
Katara: not alone,

Sokka: I'm coming too I owe it too you for being a jerk,

Y/N then jumps on Sokka and hugs him,
Y/N: Thanks big bro,

Sokka: yeah yeah , let's go save your boyfriend or whatever,

Y/N: He's Not my BOYFRIEND,

Sokka: *shrugs* you two seem pretty close already, he says grinning,

Y/N: I take back everything I said,


And there's the next chapter, ino I said it's gonna be about Two chapters per episode but since the first is so long and important I can't really cut too much corners, so it's gonna be like three chapters for the first episode,

Anyway, thanks for reading- AVYNE1,

Btw please please pleeeeaase, go check out my other works thanks.

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