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TAKOBU MADE A MISTAKE IN RAISING TATARA BUT HE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT. He also does not know where Tatara learned to raise her voice when The Uchiha Clan is not even taught to scream when in danger, to scream when hurt, to scream when your nails are being pulled back from your fingers. The Uchiha Clan may be consumed with their emotions but they do not scream. Instead, they look from afar with the pinwheels that they are known for and they move. Most clan children are taught impeccable manners that compare then to noble children from the Fire Capitalback straight, hands on their laps, legs in a seiza position they can maintain for hours and hours, and Tatara is no different.

"It's the culture shock," Hotaru offers from beside him as she fills up his cup with tea. Takobu does not know exactly when Hotaru decided to have tea with him or when he arrived in Hotaru's place but he does not complain. "There's something different beyond the village walls and you're too caught up with the Sengoku Jidai and The Clan to realize that."

"It's not the Sengoku Jidai anymore!" Takobu, truly, had never heard his seven-year-old granddaughter sound so loud and so desperate. When did she learn to complain? When did she learn to scream? He never taught her that.

"How high up were you in The Clan during the Sengoku Jidai?" Hotaru asks.

With furrowed eyebrows and a scowl, Takobu answers: "My grandparents were both Elders of The Clan and my father worked closely with The Head."

Hotaru chuckles. "Then you really don't interact with civilians outside of The Clan," she says, "Konoha works different from what tou remember. Everyone starts from the bottom. No established lineage can really do much in the missions you're going to take. Sure, Tatara's team gets the missions closest to the village, got confined in the village for more than a year butshe still receives the same mission as everyone else; catching that damned Tora, pulling weeds, passing messages to those in the guard duty, battlefield clean-ups, bandits assassinationsTatara may be an Uchiha in Konoha but outside, she's just a Konoha-nin with flashy eyes. She must have been told that."

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