new friends and new HOME.......

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harry's pov

I soon boarded off the train with y/n and ron, we had a really nice time , y/n is awesome, at least she's the one who's gonna get my problems..................................

I see Hagrid standing near the engine, holding a lamp and shouting "first 'ears this way, c'mon , don't be shy !", I go up to him and say "hi, hagrid", then he looks down at my level and exclaims "'ello, arry' , i see ya' got friends, eh?" he points towards ron and y/n, i nod, he smiled and y/n and ron mumble "woah!" under their breaths, seeing how huge hagrid was, well i don't blame them.

As only four students were allowed on a boat we three stuck together and we soon met that Hermione girl again, y/n asks her to join and she agrees, all along the boat ride, hermione and y/n were talking about nerd stuff, while ron was telling me about his older brothers, HE HAS FIVE OF THEM !!, oh and a sister too, he was telling how they always got him in trouble and stuff and, how horrible they were, but i found them quite amusing though. Soon i found someone tapping my knee, i turned to see y/n pointing towards a huge, the most magnificent school to be a school, "were, there" she says and smiles,  she looked even cuter, oh did i not mention she's cute, oh well my bad, news flash; she is ;)but i just met her, right? so snap outta the trance HARRY!...................

Soon, we got off on the dock and followed a witch with her hair in a neat bun and a big roll of parchment in her hand, then she started "i am professor mcgonagall and WELCOME TO HOGWARTS THE SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY, the start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the great hall, you will be sorted into your houses which are Gryffindor, Slytherien, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw .......,while you're at Hogwarts, your triumphs  will earn you house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points." and then she enters in a big dining hall i suppose?, then i hear a voice from my left,"so,it's true then, what they were saying on the train, that Harry Potter and Y/N Gryffindor has come to Hogwarts. Oh this is Crabbe and this is Goyle and i'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy "  Ron tries his best to hold his laughter in, but DING,DING, DING !, you guessed it right, he fails, (a/n: just like his OWLs , sorry that was harsh, <3 Ron) and then Malfoy scolds him narrowing his eyes " think my name's funny, do you? no need to ask yours, red hair and a hand me down robe?, heh, you must be a WEASLEY", okay there's no way i'm being friends with this FLASHLIGHT!, then he looks at me and continues " you'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others Potter and Gryffindor, you don't wanna go making friends with the wrong sort," he says disgustingly eyeing Ron,  oh, every single line he spoke was more and more insulting to Ron, and now i have to come up with a super savage comeback to insult this slimeball, but then i hear a familiar voice " well i think, me and Harry can tell the wrong sort ourselves, THANKS!" she says, full of sass, DANG FLABBIETTTTTTTT!, good burnn, yeah so bye FLASHLIGHT!, as i was about to open mouth, professor mcgonagal comes and taps Draco on shoulder and says" we're  ready for you " and then gestures us to follow her, i whisper to y/n "good burn, though" , "thanks, you might see a lot of it " she chuckles replies, i soon find myself in a huge hall with a gracious view of sky lightened up by enchanted candles ? i'm new at this.......................................

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------from next chapter on wards i'll just turn the main events into the long chapters, and rest would be in long short....................

thinking of posting a chapter tonight, so see yaa.................

         bye, love 


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