I'll Fall

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        “Guess who has a date with Harry Styles tonight,” Louis smiles as he takes his seat next to Marcel in chemistry.

“It wouldn't be you, would it?” Marcel asks trying to humor him.

“It is, actually. He asked after we went to dinner last night,” Louis explained with a bright smile. Marcel shakes his head, laughing a bit,

“where are you going?”

“Ice skating, which I haven't done in years so hopefully I'm not shit and don't make a fool out of myself.”

“He isn't very judgmental, I'm sure he won't mind if you suck,” Marcel shrugs.

“Oh, so you've met him?” Louis teases.

“No, course not,” he stutters out, “I just mean that he doesn't seem judgmental. But I hope everything goes good tonight for you guys.”

“Right, and thanks,” he smiles.

“But like don't be disappointed if it doesn't. Like if he is late or cancels or something.”

“Why are you saying that? Do you think he would?” Louis questions confused.

“No! I just- you know, being a celebrity and everything, something could come up so I just- i don't know,” Marcel shrugs and looks down at his paper.

“Okay,” Louis mumbles and turns to his paper as well. Fucking great.


“Do you like the color?” Harry hears Tyler ask. He takes his eyes away from the clock that is proving he should have left an hour ago and ten minutes ago to be to his date on time.

“It's black,” he points out the color of the tux he is in. It's too small. Short wise really, the trousers stop at his ankles and the sleeves on the jacket barely go past his elbows.

“It's charcoal, the other one was coffee black, which do you prefer?” Tyler asks and Harry bites his lip. He couldn't give two flying fucks what shade of black he wears! Who knew there were even different shades of black? He sure as hell couldn't see the difference.

“Which do I look best in?” he decides to ask..

“Charcoal,” Tyler explains.

“Then lets do that,” he nods.

“Okay, then you can go change and head home. I have your measurements so I'll tailor it and then you'll be set. Have a good night Harry.” Harry thanks him quickly before rushing to change. He pulls on his coat as he rushes out of the building and to his Range Rover. He climbs in and dials Louis’ number immediately and pulls out of the parking lot, heading to the skate rink. As soon as the phone connects, Harry is talking.

“I'm late and I'm so sorry, but I'm on my way now. My tux fitting took longer than it was suppose to,” he rambles. Louis chuckles and it makes it so Harry can breath.

“You’re fine. I'm late too, I just pulled into the rink, but the paparazzi found me already so,” he trails off.

“No worries, I don't care as long as you don't,” Harry explains and takes the left turn.

“I don't, so I'll go inside and get our skates, what size?” Louis asks.

“Eleven, I'll be there in two minutes,” he promises.

“Okay then I'll see you then, bye,” Louis hangs up.

“C’ya,” Harry answers and locks his phone. He is pulling into the parking lot two minutes later and he quickly hurries in. He ends up holding the door for a mother and her young daughter before turning and looking around for Louis. He scans the room and finally spots the boy, attempting to tie his skates. Harry walks over and gets on his knees and removes Louis’ hands. Louis squealed in surprise but Harry gives him a wide smile and ties the skate up correctly. Next to him on the bench are matching black ones that are Harry’s so he ties Louis’ other one and stands. He leans down and kisses Louis cheek,

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