I'm not an idiot

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“Hey Marcy, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever,” Luke smiled and threw his arm around Harry. It was lunch time now and Harry felt a little bad.

“I know, I'm sorry. Louis has been talking with me,” Harry explains.

“I noticed,” Luke chuckles, “for someone who didn't like the idea of him coming here, you are the one he is always with.”

“He is different than I thought he-”

“Speaking of the devil,” Luke cuts him off. Harry is quick to look up and sees Louis standing at the entrance of the cafeteria. He makes eye contact with Harry and lights up, walking towards him. They just had chemistry together except Louis wasn't there for some reason so this is the first time Harry has seen him all day.

“Sorry,” Harry says to Luke and looks up at him.

“It's all good mate, I'm glad you got another friend,” he promises and drops his arm from around his shoulder. Louis steps in front of Harry so Harry stops walking and looks up at him. He is obviously taller, but playing “Marcel” has some rules. He isn't allowed to be his normal self, so instead he acts like he prefers to be alone with only a few friends and walks with absolutely no confidence. He walks with his head down and hunched into himself.

“Hi,” he smiles brightly at Louis.

“Hey babe,” Louis smirks and throw his arm around Harry. Harry looks at the ground and blushes because he can't help it, but he also can't help the twinge of pain he feels. Louis wouldn't cheat on him would he? The actual him; Harry him. He wouldn't act all lovey dovey with him and then go to school and flirt with whoever, would he? Because in this case, he will get caught so fast.

“Marcy, I have a project I have to print so I'll see you after lunch okay?” Luke tells him.

“Yeah, okay. Bye Luke,” Harry smiles and waves.

“Bye Luke!” Louis calls before pulling Harry into the lunch room with him. They take a seat at a table by themselves and this is new.

“Luke seems nice,” Louis comments as he throws a couple of crisps into his mouth.

“Uh-yeah he is,” Harry agrees and looks at the boy sitting across from him.

“Do you guys hang out often? I don't really see you with anyone else,” Louis explains.

“Oh well we mostly talk in school, like-I don't know. I don't hang out with people outside of school,” Harry shrugs.

“That's not healthy babe, so do you just sit home alone?” Louis asks and he looks amused. There is that “babe” thing again. Harry chews his lip,

“um I read and stuff.” Louis nods and he has a wide smile on his face and he shakes his head laughing a bit. “How was your date yesterday?” Harry decides to ask.

“Oh! It was amazing! He is the greatest guy ever Marcel, I swear! He is funny, smart, I don't know. He is like the most perfect boy I have ever met. I was smiling the whole night, even when I got home,” he admits. Harry blushes brightly at that. Louis thinks he is perfect.

“That's awesome Lou. Are you seeing him again soon?”

“We haven't made plans but the AMA awards are Sunday so I'll definitely see him then.” Harry nods and bites his sandwich.

“Why weren't you in Chem?”

“I just got here. I had an interview this morning,” Louis explains.

“So you get to just miss school when superstar duty is calling?” Harry asks smiling. He does, so of course Louis gets to. Louis laughs,

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