My Favourite Place

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You know that feeling of dread when you know something will happen, but it's just not tangible enough to determine what? That was me opening my door.

My house key slipped into the lock; turned; the door opened.


I screamed, and he laughed. 'What's up? Want to play board games?'

'Lucy! You scared me,' I breathed. 'What board games?'

'What's your favourite?'

'I don't know; I like Scrabble?'

'Wow, this is why you had to sell your soul to get a friend.'

We sat down to play Jumanji- with the getting sucked in and everything. Lucy seemed like a sick guy.

'I can attest to that. I'm lit.' He said. And he read my thoughts too.


We played various board games- getting sucked in each time. Only being Satan's friend could possibly mandate getting chucked off of a giant rook by the devil himself riding a knight.

By 3am, we had played through so many board games that my head was getting muddled trying to keep up with them.

'Alright, time to sleep!' declared Lucy, suddenly.

'Do demons even need sleep?' I asked, curious.

'No, but you do!'

'I do not! I never sleep anyway. Let's play something else.'

'You should sleep. You humans need that stuff.'

'What stuff?'

'You know, rest and whatnot.'

'Not me, I run on coffee alone. We still haven't played Monopoly!'

'You're going to sleep.'

'Make me.' As soon as I said it, I realised I was talking to Satan himself. I materialised in my bed, Lucy sitting on the end of it.

'Sweet dreams!'

I fell asleep.

The next day I dragged myself to my lecture. Walking around, I kept thinking. Where did I go so wrong?

I can't function anymore. I used to be a model student. I got four A*s in my A-levels, and had grade 8 piano as well as grade 5 guitar. I got into university on a scholarship. I was never doing great mentally, but it was manageable. I couldn't sleep, but I worked my ass off in the hours I should have been asleep. I self harmed, but I hid it well, and pushed through those dark times, eventually doing it only once every two months or so. I cared for myself enough that no one noticed my downfalls. I got through the hard times by working towards university, so I could escape my hometown.

Well now I'm at university, and I have no motivation. I can't do anything. I drag myself to some of the lectures. I have no friends. I-

'The FUCK do you mean you have no friends?' Lucy asks cheerily, materialising next to me.

'Lucy!' I smile wearily.

'You sold your soul for a friend; I'd think you'd remember that you have me.'

'Okay, but I have no human friends.'

'Who needs humans when you have Satan himself?' He laughed, putting his arm around me. 'Chin up, I'll always be here.'


'If you ever need to talk, just yell my name really loud.'

'Thanks.' I smile.

'Ooh, ice cream shop.' He looks at me. I nod.

'HELL YEAH!' money materialising in his hand, he grabs my wrist and runs towards the shop.

You'd think Satan would be a little scarier.

Soon we exit, both of us with our own ice cream cones.

'You could just make your own ice cream appear you know.'

'Yeah, but I'm contributing to the local economy this way.' He says. I laugh.

I quite like this Satan guy.

'I quite like you too.'

'Stop reading my thoughts!'

He just laughs.

'What's your favourite place in the world?' He asks.

'Paris.' I answer quickly.

'The city of love,' he grins. 'Why do you like Paris?'

'It's pretty, but still homely. I'd love to go there more often, but it's so expensive.'

'Sounds like a good plan for the weekend.'


He just grins.

'Please, don't do anything stupid.'

'Is going to Paris stupid?'

'I don't know... Is it?'

'Not in any capacity. We leave Friday evening.'

'Sure? I guess?' this dude is doing a lot more to be my friend than I expected.

'I like doing nice things for my friends!'

'But... You're evil.'

'Nah, that's just what God says. He never liked me.'

'Gonna have to side with God on this one.'


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