• viagra (tony) •

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"okay." i said once the camera started recording. "this isn't going to be nice. hey i'm y/n, i'm glad that your here. if you don't know : i am dating tony lopez..the helicopter guy." i laughed at myself as i put my my hands behind my head and swayed my hips like tony did. "any who. he decided it'd be a good idea to prank me last week. go watch the video, link is down below. but today i have a v pill that i'll put in his drink. please don't watch this if you're like..8? i don't know anyways : hope you enjoy."

i went downstairs to see tony on his phone.

"hey" i said to him and he said hi without lifting his head of his phone.

"i'm gonna do a bar video." i said grabbing a small bottle of vodka which was actually just water with the pill powder inside. "wanna do it?"

"i'll drink it." he laughed still in his phone scrolling through tiktok.

"okay. today i'm gonna make a...dirty slutty." i said to my phones camera.

tony burst out a loud laughter sitting up a bit.

"it's a dirty shirley or dirty temple." he said.

"shut up it's my cooking show." i laughed grabbing some sprite and grenadine to make it seem believable. "okay fill it up 1/2 way with sprite, 1/3 vodka and whatever is left put some grenadine."

"that's a good amount of vodka." said tony.

i stood with my arms crossed against my chest. "can you shut your mouth?"

he got up and grabbed the drink.

"that's mine!" i knew tony would try to annoy it and drink it himself.

he practically chugged the drink on his own.

"what the fuck it's sour." he said making a sour face squinting his eyes.

"probably the grenadine." i said shrugging.

"no it tastes like..a dissolved advil." he said putting the glass down.

"how do you know what that tastes like." i laughed.

we went back down to the couch and we were scrolling through youtube videos and tik toks on my phone.

i was kind of worried at how far this video could go. hopefully he could behave. it's been 20 minutes.

he was sitting up and i was laying in between him. like big spoon and little spoon.

"i wanna try that." i said pointing to a tik tok.

he started squirming around and bouncing his leg a little bit.

"babe stay still ur gonna knock me off the couch." i said.

"sorry." he said kinda deeply.

"you don't wanna try that?"

"yo hold up." he said pushing me off from him.

"what?" i asked turning around.

"fuck bro that hurts." he said squirming around and putting his hand in his pants.

"what? the zipper?" i loved pretending i didn't know what was going.

he groaned for a second. god i felt myself getting turned on by him in frustration.

"i'm hard as fuck." he said putting his hand over the boner to make it obvious.

"excited to see me?" i laughed backing away with him.

he scrunched his eyebrows like he was upset that i backed off him.

"c'mere mamas." he said opening his arms for me.

"weren't we gonna gonna drive to la?" i asked getting up and walking towards the kitchen.

"we can drive up tomorrow in the morning."

"i call bullshit. we told chase we'd be there by 4 pm."

"babe please." he said pouting.

"babe you're not like this. maybe it's like the blood flow or something." i had no idea what to say to tell him no so quickly.

he sighed and laid back down.

like 5 minutes passed of tony sounding annoyed.

"drama queen." i laughed coming back to the couch where he was laying down.

i changed to just a oversized shirt. if i lifted my arms he could see pretty much anything.

"show me love atleast." he said opening his arms.

i got on top of him. i felt his lower body jump involuntarily.

"i want you so bad." he said started kissing my neck.

"fuck me bebe." i whispered into his ear.

his hands went directly to my ass grabbing it. he started taking his shirt off.



"baby look at me." i told him.

"what?" he said smiling.

"i gave you a viagra." i laughed nervously waiting for his reaction.

"well let's get of its affect shall we?"he said unzipping his pants.

"babe the camera is still on." i laughed getting up to grab the camera.

"ok that's the outro bye." he turned off the camera and carried me to his room.

"oh my god" said ondreaz through his room. " be protected!"

guess you can say i fixed his problem.

𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐳 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora