Chapter Three: I don't not like you, okay?

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Chapter 3

I sat in detention for the third day in a row. All thanks to Mason Archer (Note Sarcasm!) I hated that name and I hated the owner of that name. I looked at the clock and groaned, we had a whole hour left in detention.

"Glaring at the clock won't make it go any faster," Mason said, smirking at me from beside me. I wished I had something to throw at him like a knife or some dead weapon, but I seem to be short on those and all I have is a banana. Yeah I know not the greatest choice for weapon. I continued to stare at the clock hoping it could go faster ignoring the buffoon sitting next to me.

For the next hour, I counted the ceiling tiles thirty six times, there are sixty-seven tiles, read a book on wolves and found out new ways to kill Mason without leaving any evidence. To say I was bored was a complete understatement, I looked to my right and saw Mason with his head down, lightly snoring. I stared at his flawless face Mason had a nice tan skin, shaggy brown hair that liked to fall in his face a lot and hide his intricate blue eyes that you could just stare at all day. There was something different about him. He's not like the other werewolves and he doesn't have alpha blood in him because I would  be able to sense it so there isn't the need to defend my pack and my territory. He wasn't my mate, so I don't know were my infatuation with him came from. Maybe it's a little school girl crush, yeah that's what it is just a little school girl crush nothing more.

I stared at his face and noticed a faded pink scar under his left ear that disappeared under his jaw that you wouldn't notice if you were a human. I wondered how he could have gotten that scar since it was in an unusual spot not like nor-

"See something you like?" Mason said cockily, scaring me slightly. I looked at him and saw his blue eyes staring back at me. He raised on of his eyebrows waiting for a response. I blushed and turned my head and looked out the window. Smooth Mickey now he thinks you like him.

"Aw the wittle Mikayla is blushing so adwable." He cooed in a baby voice.

"Shut-up!" I said still not facing him.

"Aw is the wittle Mikayla angry" He said in a baby voice.

"I said shut-up!" I shouted looking at Mason. That was a big mistake because when I turned around Mason's face was inches away from mine. I stared at his eyes which had an amused glint to them, my eyes then traveled down his face to his lips, in that moment his lips looked so kissable. OH MY GOSH Mikayla snap out of it! I cleared my throat and looked back at him. Now he had a full fledge grin on his face knowing what I was looking at a few minutes ago.

"Want to feel them?" He asked.

"Wha-at?" I asked confused.

"Do you want to feel how soft my lips are?" He replied nonchalantly. I just stared at him, then his lips, then back to  his eyes. I may have repeated this process more than needed as I pondered over did I want to kiss the enemy, who got me five days of detention with him? Yes, but was I brave enough to say it to his face? No, not at all. I bit my lips; a nervous habit, and looked at my lap, mustering all the courage I could garner to even respond to this question. But before I could say anything, Mr. Turner walked into the room and said "You kids can go home now." then he walked right back out. Without thinking twice I grabbed my belongings and walked out the classroom making a beeline out of this godforsaken school. I didn't make it far before Mason caught up with me.

"Hey, where are you going so fast?" He said.

"Home." I said mostly annoyed with myself. I can't believe that I almost gave in to him. He's not even my mate.

"Okay, let me give you a ride home?" he said trying to keep up with my fast pace. "No, I'm fine with just walking thank you though." I stated shortly, giving him a small smile. I realized I couldn't be around him for another second unless I wanted to do something I'll regret in the long run. With that being said I broke out into a sprint towards the forest on the side of the school, leaving a surprised Mason behind  me. Halfway through my run towards my house, I heard someone yelling after me. It was Mason and he was getting closer and closer each passing second. While still running forward I looked at my surroundings trying figure out the best path to get away from Mason. I soon realized that I would never make it home without him catching up to me if I was still in my human form, so without stopping I transformed into my beautiful golden tan wolf. As soon as my front paws touched the slightly moist forest ground I was off, running at the speed of light. As I continued running I saw my house coming into view on my right at the last minute I went left deciding to run to my favorite spot on this side of the property. It was a beautiful waterfall in the middle of the forest, the water was so clear I could see little lake forms swimming in the water. Without thinking twice, I jumped into the lake and swam until I was behind the waterfall. And I just waited there, patiently and quietly, watching for anything to happen. Several minutes had passed before I heard anything. My ears perked up at the sound it was coming from my left. I watched as Mason walked slowly out from the forest He looked like he just ran fifty miles through the desert non-stop. He was drenched in sweat, his hair was matted to his forehead. He stopped right in front of the lake and took a big whiff of the air around him. Then he slowly turned his head to the opening of the cave where I was. On instinct I shrank back further into the cave. We stayed like that for a while, him staring at me and me staring back at him. Suddenly he turned his head to his left, curiously I turned my head in that direction and I could hear a faint cry of a little pup. With the normal curiosity and need to make sure the pup was okay, I came out of my hiding spot and took one whiff of the air to get the general direction of where the pup was.

"Mikayla wait!" I heard Mason call out to me.

I turned my head towards and nodded my head ahead of me signalling him to come along. We ran side by side as we came upon an opening in the forest. I quickly surveyed my surroundings for any signs of danger. Then I noticed the pup all alone in the middle of the forest without hesitating I ran up to the pup. Once I reached the pup, I investigated the scene around the little guy and noticed that his little paw was caught in a bear trap. I tried to talk to him through our mind link but I realized that the pup was not in my pack so I couldn't talk to him unless I was in human form. I looked behind me to see Mason watching me and the area around us. I strolled up to him and pulled lightly on his shirt with my teeth. "What is it Mikayla?" he questioned. I pulled his shirt again. "Use your words" he said. I growled and shoved  him not so nicely for his stupid remark. "I was just kidding." I pulled his shirt once more hoping he would get the message. "You want my shirt?" Finally! I said to myself. I almost lost hope in him for a second. I nodded my head. "Why?" he asked after he took his shirt off. I took the shirt into my mouth and ran behind a nearby tree and quickly changed back into my human and then put the shirt on grateful that it came close to my knees. I ran back into the opening and slowly walked towards the pup trying to not to scare him.

"Hey little guy, I'm Mikayla, alpha of the Frost pack. I was the golden wolf you just saw two minutes ago." I said rubbing his ears caringly. "I'm going to help you get your paw out of that trap, okay?" He nodded whimpering. My heart went out to the little guy.

"When I open the trap do you think you can remove your leg?" He shook his head no.

"Hey, Mason could you come here real quick?"

"Sure" he replied walking and kneeling next to me.

"Can I get you too hold the bear trap open while I remove his leg?" Mason nodded as he opened the trap and I slowly removed the pup's leg out of the trap. I faced the pup and I could see the happiness in his eyes from finally being free from the trap. He licked my face in gratitude. I giggled softly and scratched his ear.

"Little guy do you think you can change back or walk?"

He tried to stand but before he could fall, I caught him. He whimpered in pain. I turned to Mason, and without me asking he picked up the little guy and stared back at me. "Um, so where am I taking the little guy?" he asked looking at the pup. "To the pack doctor," I answered. And with that we started walking towards the pack hospital which was conveniently on the territory and not that far from the main pack house. Mason didn't try to talk to me which I was grateful for. I looked at him comforting the pup as the pu slowly went to sleep. I smiled at this act since I could see the adoration in his eyes towards the pup instead of the usual 'I don't care what you think' look. "Take a picture if you like staring at me so much," he said startling me a little. I didn't realize he was staring at me with those eyes, those exotic blue eyes that seem like they could see into the deepest parts of your soul and mind, and unlock all of your secrets. 'Snap out of it Mikayla' I said shaking myself out of my stupor. I looked away from his eyes and down the rest of his face, I stopped at his lips which were smirking amusingly at my hypnotic like state. Deciding to say something hopefully witty to get him to leave me alone I shouted back "And let you break my camera? I think not. I kind of like my camera unbroken and Mason picture-free."

He seemed to be taken back by what I said. Maybe I hurt his feelings. I replayed what I just said and mentally slapped myself why did I just blurt that out, of course I didn't hurt his feelings. Ugh! Whatever I can't go back now.

"Aw, you're so cute when you ramble nonsense!" Mason cooed pinching my cheek tauntingly. I slapped his hand away from my now red cheeks, "Stop touching me and walk, Archer. We have to get this pup to the pack doctor!" I said with authority seeping into my voice. "Yes ma'am." he said mockingly. I rolled my eyes and picked up my pace as we neared the hospital. The sooner we get there and the pup is given the help and proper care he needs the sooner I can be away from Mason and his dangerously charming ways.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2013 ⏰

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