Hint and Guess 10 - Time Travel Again

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Carlos yawned because of the boredom. Saturdays at the cinema were like torture waiting to happen, but like already happening. That definitely didn't make sense but it didn't matter because Carlos was bored.

His boredom and disinterest intensified when he saw Gale approaching the booth with a wide smile.

"Oh no." Carlos muttered as Gale waved her hand with that same wide smile on her face. "Hello to you too, mi amigo."

Carlos shook his head frantically, "No, just no."

Gale's mood didn't even dampen by Carlos' reaction as she waited. The man in the booth knew this routine all too well since he had been living it for the past three painful weeks.

"Hello, Carlos." Hope sent Carlos an identical smile as she walked over to Gale with a bucket of popcorn.

She had to just stand next to the girl for them to begin their routine. "Okay, shoot." Gale grabbed a few popped kernels from the medium sized bucket in Hope's arms as she spoke up.

"It has time travelling again."

Carlos groaned loudly, but it went to deaf ears as Hope giggled at her date's intense interest in time-travel films.

"You can pitch in too, if you want, Carlos."

"No, thank you." Carlos immediately refused the request from the dark-haired girl. He was bothered by the fact that Gale not only stole away his time of peace, but then proceeded to steal his fellow employee at the one day that he needed her the most.

The day when Gale came to the cinema.

But who knew that she would end up coming with the dark-haired girl and make things more intolerable. Definitely not him.

But, I did, and I didn't tell any of them. Hehehe.

"Is it Interstellar again?" Carlos rolled his eyes as Hope guessed, which got her a head shake from the other girl.

"If it was Interstellar again, I would've left this job right away." Carlos muttered to himself as Gale heard him and turned to look at him with a frown. "No Bueno, mi amigo."

"Oh my God, shut the fuck up."

"Is it Back to the Future?" Hope guessed up, catching the two people's attention. Gale frowned as she looked at the girl, "Damn, next time, we're watching that. But no. It has lots of irregular time-travel. And it's a romance."

Carlos frowned as he accidently spoke up, "Don't tell me it's The Time Traveler's Wife?"

Gale and Hope, both, turned towards Carlos, who almost got a heart attack at how fast the two whipped their heads over to him.

"How'd you guess?" Gale spoke up while Hope glared at the man. "Damn, is it really that movie?"

"Thanks a lot, Carlos." Hope crossed her arms as Gale just sent her date an apologetic smile. "Its not my fault, you're literally bad at guessing." Carlos spoke up as he printed out the tickets for them, making Hope frown at him.

Gale, being the ultimate peacemaker, shook her head and grabbed the blonde's attention. "Or maybe I'm getting worse at giving hints." Hope managed to smile as she held on to Gale's arm and pulled the other girl closer to her, which made both of them smile and blush in unison.

Seeing this pure interaction even made Carlos smile, but he managed to bring his frown back in place as he handed them their tickets. "Why would you even want to watch this movie though? It's so sad." Carlos managed to ask, not wanting to know the answer but definitely wanting to bring their attention to the tickets and away from each other.

It was better for them to annoy him than for them to be looking at each other like they could just remain seeing one another. Like, the blatant affection was killing him.

Hope frowned before she turned to look at Gale with the same question in her head, as the dark-haired girl handed Carlos the money and took the tickets from him.

"I don't know, its romantic to me." Hope needed a more detailed answer as she spoke up. "I remember the guy dying or something."

Gale laughed as Carlos nodded his head as well.

"Yes, but you're not seeing the bigger picture." Hope definitely wasn't as she stared at her date with curiosity. "Okay, you know how you used to wait for me before we started dating."

The blonde nodded her head as well as Carlos, who was literally just a third-wheel at the moment.

"Well, the wife in the movie also always waits for the guy, for him to return to her. Now I'm not some cool dude that can time-travel but at least I can spend time with you and not make you wait all the time."

"Oh my God." Carlos whispered as he held a hand over his chest while Hope stared at her date with all the adoration she could muster up. That was practically the most romantic thing anyone had ever said to her.

Gale had to just send a finishing smile over to Hope, and the blonde just pulled the girl over to her to plant her lips onto hers.

Carlos groaned lightly as he immediately looked away so the two girls could have their private intimate moment.

It was a slow and quick kiss, but it was breathtaking. I would know, because I wasn't as nice as Carlos to look away. Anyway.

Their lips parted from the kiss and Gale had just one word to whisper out. "Wow."

"Just go watch your fucking movie already now." Carlos groaned which didn't bother the two love birds at all as Hope just held onto Gale's arm closely, and dragged her over to the screening hall.

They had done this a couple of times now, but none of them had gotten tired of it. Maybe it was because of the movies, or maybe it was because of them having each other.

Whatever it was, it was worth making a movie of their own over.

The End


Okay, kids, that's a wrap. A very small but satisfying wrap. Am I right? Yes, I'm right. Anyway. Hope you guys enjoyed the book and it made at least one of you smile. :)

Also, I hope you guys are doing good, and getting along fine. Just be strong and hopeful, just like Hope even when she is literally so bad at guessing movies. 

And have a great day, lovely people. Keep on reading. ;)

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