The Betrayer's punishment

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Grim Reaper: Gather round Children... Careful now, we don't wish to wake up my little princess... She is a fiesty dragon... Now I shall tell you a story that a young dame told me, when I came to take her life... It's a shame she killed herself after the deed... She was fair... I would have made her my bride, love life should not concern you now! Here is her tale:

The way you scream

as I lead the blade

on your pale burned skin

rouses this demon

buried in the deepest part

of my psychotic mind

while your crimson blood

flowing like milk and honey

quenches the thirst

of my damaged heart...

Remember the wilted rose

that you gifted me

with pride and joy?

Well I shall plant it

in your thick skull

for maybe it will revive

after it receives

the nutrients from your mind

poisonous or not...

Now my darling

let us sound the trumpets

for the joyous part arrives!

I will take your hazel eyes

and wear it on my neck

after I etch on it

her image

maybe than you would be

with her for eternity...

(While I stay here,

embracing a pile of bones

and old memories preserved

in the windows of a stained

glass heart...)

MT~ 10 12 2014

Grim Reaper: I did not wish to include her death... perhaps next time I will tell you children.... Until then...

A/N: Should I remove the last part?(in the parenthesis) And tell me your thoughts.... Oh and also did you enjoy it? I'll try to update it as much as I can...

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