The unexpected

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13 facts about me I guess?

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13 facts about me I guess?

1. Where I live, I'm considered to be a legal adult but I could be easily mistaken for a 13 year old.

2. I like history and socio/geo-politics, even though I don't study either of these as a subject. Literature and Poetry is also one of my faves.

3. I used to be fluent in German, I can still understand some bits very well.

4. I like target shooting and own a proper Hämmerli riffle, that I got as a birthday gift.

5. I have a cat :3

6. I assemble miniature models of tanks, airplanes and other military gear as a hobby, and I really want an armoured train model to add to my collection.

7. Most of my close family comes from Canada, Poland and France.

8. I speak with a mixed British accent. Now you go and guess which ones, since there's about 60 different accents in the UK lol.

9. I'm an introvert and I love to be left alone so I can read or do my introvert business, but I happen to have a very large, loud and extroverted friendgroup that I wouldn't change for anything.

10. No, I can't say "water" nor "iron" the American way. I just end up not doing a shitty Irish impression and I die inside every time. It's not because I can't pronounce 'r's, I just can't do an American accent... Even though I got mistaken for a Canadian once??

11. I think I fractured my wrist today when I fell off the bike so currently writing/typing is painful.

12. I actually read a lot about history and politics of many countries, even though I only use about 0.1% of that knowledge in my books.

( FYI if you're one of these people that found a couple of historical/political references and hidden Easter eggs in chapters, congratulations! You're a smart perceptive bean. Here, have a bean seal of approval : 🌟 )

13. Self-insert and edgy teen characters are a pet peeve of mine. In most cases they act too dramatic to be even realistic, instead they aim to be 'relatable' in their irrational and oftentimes stupid behaviour.


(Couldn't add more ppl without Wattpad crashing rip)

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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