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(Kinda ranty? But not intentionally)

I'm gonna be taking a "break" for a few more days, simply because my teachers are insane and they expect me to do 1-2 test papers for every subject daily,
(each 20-30 questions long, 80% of which are 10/12 mark questions)

No, I haven't slept in a week... at all.

Yes, it's because of school.

Do I feel sick and on the verge of dying?


Do my teachers care?

No, lol.

Am I sorry that I cannot write or draw or even have a break for once ?

Like hell I am!

Am I still working on the chapters bit by bit whenever I have a moment to breathe?

Damn straight.
I'm not abandoning my projects, I just struggle to complete things because of the amount of workload my teachers are putting on me.

What they see as "90 minutes of work" in actuality amounts to about 5 hours of work, they just don't realise it.

So yeah, I'm not sure when I'll be able to post the next chapter. It's probably about 30% done currently, but I don't want to rush it since this book was supposed to be actually half decent (unlike my Gerpol book which was a spur of the moment thing that I've written without a second thought when I was on a coffee trip at 3 am)

>Oh, side note, the dialogues in the other book may sound a bit strange if you try to directly translate them into a different language via Google translator, that's because it's supposed to sound a bit more like old 17-18 century English, so the translations will most likely turn out incorrect or just awkwardly structured in terms of syntax.<

I'll try my best to maybe post two more chapters this weekend, but I can't promise anything...
It all depends on how much work my teachers will give me to complete for Monday, and judging by how much they've given me so far I can only assume the worst.

Sorry for the inconveniences,

Butterscotch Xx 💞💞💞

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