The Lab

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Lavender ran out of her rickety home. The letters in her hands melting under the clouds tears. Lavender hadn't noticed, but she to was crying. She wasn't sure where she was going the only sense of direction she had was the map folded in the letters. When she finally arrived at the steel gates of a bland building, large guards walked towards her unusually fast.

"Leave now." The first guard said to the wet girl with black stained cheeks.

"Yeah such weak girls such as yourself don't need to be near a lab where the men work." The second guard chuckled while pushing her away.

Lavender had had enough of men telling her what to do for one day. She pushed her damp hair behind her ear and gave the guards a sweet smile and left. She then caught the guards of guard, turned around and kicked them both where the sun don't shine. She had no time to laugh or make a joke about the fallen guards and ran into a booth, pushed the button, and entered the Laboratory cautiously. She crept behind scientists in white and orange coats. She was close to entering an empty room unharmed when suddenly her wet shoe squeaked so loud Africa could hear it. All of the scientists turned around to face her, they all ran after her not a minute later. Lavender had no memory of what happened next. All she heard was the voices of male scientists and a machine powering on.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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