Chapter 36 - Mother of Earth

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-Aleksandra Bane-

The stranger who looked back at her seemed sad, and maybe even withdrawn. However, he was not reluctant. Young, dark eyes peered through blue hair at Aleksandra as Yomam, the medicine witch, prepared him for the ritual. His cheeks were round, his eyes like almonds, his fingers pudgy as he grappled at his heavy black shirt to pull it over his head. Aleksandra bit her lip and helped him out of it, trying to hold back the straining in her throat as she looked at the innocence in his eyes.

He was a child. A child. And yet he knew what he signed up for, and there was no regret that filled him.

The old medicine woman—although she appeared to be fragile—lifted a wide bowl of water over his head, steadily pouring a stream over his naked body to "cleanse" him of the earth. Earlier, the old woman had done the exact same thing to Aleksandra, and now both she and the boy were soaked to the bone and almost shivering.

The nameless boy nodded to Aleksandra, biting his lip as he settled down onto the straw mat on the floor next to her, breathing evenly as he stared into the ceiling. Aleksandra followed suit and nervously lay down beside him, hands shaking at her sides as her brows furrowed into a knot in the middle of her forehead. The boy's body was half as long as her own. She tried to ignore Piper, who had decided to stand in the corner of the cavern to supervise, though really he just loomed ominously like a night owl. Having him there made her feel more comfortable, yes, but she could not for the life of her rid the feeling of being watched.

Was this the only way?

A day earlier, after she had left the brothel with Piper and Madam Ba-ava, there was no way she would've expected this kind of solution. Piper had ensured his arm was firmly wrapped around her shoulders as they walked the Zarkarian streets behind Madam Ba-ava, following her as casually as they could. Aleksandra's hood was pulled so far down her face, she could hardly see what was in front of her as Piper answered onlookers with a practiced phrase:

"Ugly whore. Man got violent with a knife, so we're lookin' for 'n apothecary for some salve."

So far everyone believed it. With Madam Ba-ava's presence, the story was given more foundation. Aleksandra's heart raced the entire time, wondering if there would ever come a dangerous moment when one person became too curious.

But none came.

Night uneventful—to be honest she was a tad bit disappointed—they approached an abandoned house. Aleksandra could tell it was abandoned for a few reasons. One, there was not a light to be seen and not a voice to be heard, not even anywhere near the house. Apparently, the entire neighbourhood was almost like an apparition, a ghostly corner where no soul touched except for tonight, since they had arrived. The second reason, was that the roof of the specific house they came to was caved in and the walls were mere rubble, black like charcoal. Although, if it had burned, it was so long ago. All the ash had already blown away, and it was even collecting dust.


Plus, the smell was terrible. 

"What's this?" She forced between her teeth as she raised her hand to her mouth, taking a step back.

"An apothecary," Madam Ba-ava scrunched her nose, but showed no other discomfort. 

Aleksandra wasn't sure if she was amused or annoyed as she said, "are you serious? You were actually bringing me to an apothecary this entire time? I thought that excuse was just to get me past the Zarkarians."

Madam Ba-ava turned to her, corner of her lip turning upwards a bit. "We're here to get your Mark fixed, as Piper has told me."

"This place is obviously abandoned, I don't see how I would get any help from here." If I can get any at all.

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