Chapter Sixteen

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I stood there amazed, in shock, and completely embarrassed. Did Brendon just deny me? I had to have been dreaming. I didn't realize that I could have been so humiliated, even though it wasn't in front of a crowd of people, it felt as bad. I sat down on the couch for hours, just replaying my last interaction with him over and over and over again. Darkness had come and I had no reason to get up, the days were becoming more and more messed up as it all went by, and today was the all time low. I heard the door unlock and I heard my brother's voice, I assumed that he was going to come inside but from what I could hear he just kissed Asha goodnight and left. She entered the apartment.

"Was that Stanley?" I asked, I knew it was him , Asha must have told him that I was here, however I was confused that he didn't come inside so I asked again just to make sure that it was actually him.

"Why the hell are you sitting here alone in the darkness?" she asked as she switched on the lights.

"I have no will to live," she rolled her eyes. "Was that Stanley?" I asked again, realizing that she had ignored my question the first time.

"Yep, it was," she stood by the door taking off her shoes.

"Does he know that I'm here?"

"He does," she stated calmly.

"So why didn't he come to talk to me?" she stared at me blankly. As she walked towards the couch where I was, something on the table caught her attention. She blinked twice as if she was registering what she set her eyes on.

"Is that a joint on my table?" she asked as she picked it up from the table. I sighed.

"Yes it is," I answered quietly, knowing that she would have figured out where the joint came from.

"Did Brendon bring this here? Is that why you are hopelessly sitting on my couch sulking for life?" I sighed again , " and you wonder why your brother didn't come inside? You've changed Sophia, and above that you haven't learnt anything at all." She shook her head. "Anyways, I'm not going to stop you from seeing Brendon, you do you. However, please do not see Brendon under my roof, I do not support this in the slightest."

"I'm not going to talk to him again," I stated defensively.

"Sure you won't," she said as she made her way to her room.

"What do you mean by that?" I shouted out while she closed her bedroom door. Asha had no faith in me and I understood why. For the past days I hadn't been acting like I was in control of my own actions. But it's whatever, I thought as I finally got off the couch , I took the joint and proceeded outside. I might as well smoke it since I had it already.


The next couple weeks passed by really quickly. My summer vacation was even more of a drag than I initially thought it would have been, I was still cooped up in Asha's apartment, most of the time I was alone ,because she was with my brother. I didn't try to contact my parents and they didn't try to contact me. They must have been really pissed off at me. At this point I thought everything would have gotten better, at least a little, but that didn't happen. Not even Brendon tried to contact me. So as I mentioned I was cooped up in Asha's apartment, eating till I was filled and watching Netflix till my eyes were weak. If I knew a thing or two about depression , I swear, this was it. I sat watching a Netflix original movie and stuffing my face with cherry vanilla ice – cream. My phone rang, I jumped up to see who it was. The number was unknown, I wondered who was calling me on an unknown number as I answered the phone.


"Hello, good day, is this Sophia German?" this called sounded well beyond official.

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