Between two

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Geno P.O.V.

"Hey, Fresh, what you up to?" I say, walking up to my brother, who was skimming the large bookshelf for books about quantum physics.

"O-oh hey, broski!" he said, jumping and quickly hiding a book behind his back.

"Fresh, what are you doing?" I said, becoming suspicious. Of course, I knew exactly what he was doing. I saw as he came out of next door, grinning for real. I kinda thought what mom did was wrong, forcing Fresh to make a friend. But, maybe it was right. Maybe this is good for Fresh.

"Oh!! N-nothing!! Hehe!!!"

"What's behind your back?"

"N-nothing!! I!!! Don't know what you mean!!!"

"Bro, if it was nothing, you wouldn't be so fluster-"

"It's nothing!! Oh, I just forgot, I have some homework to do!!" Fresh interrupted me, and ran up the stairs to his room, slamming the door shut behind him. I sighed.

Fresh P.O.V.

I ran into my room, slamming the door behind me, as loud as I could to show everyone I didn't want to be disturbed. I had only just succeeded in my 'mission' to get a book for Deccy, one about quantum physics, which both him and I loved to learn about. I figured that I would bring him a book to read, since he didn't get many new things.

I set the large, red book down on my rainbow-coloured drawers and sighed, staring dreamily out of the window at next door. In just a few days, this boy, Decans, had turned my life around. And how? I don't know. It's like an angel has come to my rescue after years of darkness.

I'm being dramatic.

But I had to repay him in someway, I thought, pulling the door handle on my closet and reaching up to grab the purple cap that I had promised to give him. The look on his face when I said I would, the stars in his eyes, still made my heart go crazy for him. I sighed again, knowing I was head over heels for Deccy, and there was no way that he liked me back. Not the way I liked him.

He accepted me as a good friend, and that was it.

Geno already knew for sure that I was in love. He notices everything that happens with me and Error, which was annoying when I was trying to hide something like this. I frowned, putting the bright purple cap on my head one last time. It felt comforting.

Deccy had told me all about what his life used to be like, which meant maybe he trusted me? He lived in the big city with his mother, Ray, and his father, Hedge. They lived happily for years, his father a salesman and his mother staying at home to look after him. He never really had any friends, like I didn't, but he didn't mind. He had his family, and that was all he needed, he told me. Everything was great, until his father lost his job, then everything fell apart. Their family lost a lot of money, and was unable to pay the rent, so they were evicted. They were forced to move in to some slums on the other side of town, where is father began to become crazed and psycopathic, blaming Deccy for the fact that they had no money. His father began abusing him, but he didn't want to fight back against him.

Eventually, his mother found out about what his father was doing to him and decided to run away with Deccy, and try to find peace in the village. Her parents agreed and gave her just enough money to get settled down and find a good, stable job.

However, Deccy was still frightened, that's what he told me. He was frightened that his father would come back to kill him in the night. I had to reassure him that he was going to be ok.

And I thought I had a bad life.

Poor Deccy.

I hope he likes the book and the hat.


In that moment, I realised something. Deccy was a person I had to protect.

Oooooohhhh!!! I'm excited!!! I wonder where this is going to go!!!!! I'm sorry, if you don't like this ship then leave. Because personally, I don't ship Paperjam x Fresh. Deal with it.

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