Alone Again

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Error shouted at his brother from the living room for the 3rd time. He sighed glitchily and frowned as Fresh walked into the room, looking innocent. He glared at him and went back to knitting a new scarf for his friend Ink.

"What's up, broskis?" Fresh asked, looking around the room to see his mother and two brothers glaring at him. Geno, his eldest brother, was 21 and had moved out with his boyfriend, Reaper, a few years ago, but since he was on break at the University he taught at in the big city, he came to visit his family. Error, Freshs' second older brother, was 18, and was planning on moving with Ink to the University in the city. 

"Fresh, Error called you 3 times. You really need to learn to listen to your brothers better." Freshs' Mom, CQ, said with a stern look appearing on her face.

"K, ma!" Fresh said in his weird 90's accent, because he literally couldn't care less. "So, what'd'ya need?"

"I just wanted you to take this cake to our new neighbours, given they're not druggies this time." CQ said, holding out a chocolate cake that said 'Welcome' in swirly blue icing. "Do you think it's okay?" she asked nervously.

"Sure, they'll like it a whole lot, broski!" Fresh said, taking the cake from her shaking arms, slipping his winter coat over his shoulders and heading out of the front door. Nothing short of a blizzard was blowing outside, and the door slammed shut behind him, loudly, as he headed out into it to deliver the cake.

He could just about see the red front door of the semi-detached house, and plastered on his cheesy grin once again as he rang the doorbell. He heard the faint tune of 'hopes and dreams', a popular song, sound in the house, alerting the people inside that there was someone at the door. He then heard a soft boys' voice shout 'I'll get it!' and realised that it was the voice of the same young boy that had looked up at him at his window a few days ago. The one with whom something inside of him had been unlocked. It was too late to run away now. The doorknob was turning. Fresh reviewed his situation. 

But before he could, the door opened, and there stood the boy, looking at him with the same sparkle in his eyes that he had days before.

"Um.....hello." he said quietly, looking down at the floor, then back up to Fresh. "Why are you here?"

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