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Ruby barged into their loft that evening with a loud thud, making the pictures on the wall shake with the force of the door slamming into it.  Emma quickly jumped up from her lump under the blankets on the sofa. She looked over at her best friend with a scowl, as the woman literally skipped over to her.

"I saw your girlfriend this morning," Ruby teased, planting her ass on the coffee table next to her disheveled best friend that was still trying to wake up from her day-long nap.  "Said she hopes you feel better,"

"Ruby, she's way out of my league." Emma sighed, laying back down with a huff, pulling the blankets back over her head.  "She comes in every morning at the same exact time and gets the same exact thing."

The brunette smirked.  Of course Emma would notice that.  The blonde only ever remembered the orders of cute customers that came in that were actually her type, and Ms. Mayor was certainly her best friend's type.

"She totally missed you. You should've seen the disappointed look in her eyes. That woman is a regal pain in the ass, I don't understand how you are attracted to her.  But those lips," the way Ruby annunciated that word made Emma peak her head out from under the blanket with a glare.  "I can totally see why you drool over her so much."

"Too bad she'll never like someone like me," Emma frowned.

"You don't know unless you try," Ruby shrugged. "Maybe start small.  Knowing you, you'll most likely write some corny ass pickup line on her coffee cup or something."

Emma's ears perked up, her eyes widening as they shot over to Ruby's.

"No," Ruby quickly cut her friend off before she could say something stupid. "I know that look. Don't you dare. She's the mayor, please don't be a child.  Maybe try and hit on her like an actual adult. This isn't college anymore."

Emma huffed, crossing her arms across her chest.  "I got all the ladies in college with those pickup lines."

"I'm well aware," Ruby rolled her eyes.

"I'll see what happens."  Emma shrugged, rolling back over and closing her eyes once more.


The familiar chime of the bakery door the next day at exactly 7:50am was all Emma needed for her heart to kickstart into overdrive.  Her palms were extra sweaty, her legs a little extra shaky, and her breath was a little more stuck in her throat than usual.  The usual gooey feeling she got in her stomach at the thought of the mayor had returned.

She turned around and was greeted with the picture-perfect pearly smile of the woman she was just thinking of.

"G-" Emma began but had to clear the anxiety from her throat before she could formulate a coherent sentence in front of the breathtaking woman. "Good morning, Madame Mayor."

Regina quirked an eyebrow at the baker's odd behavior. But, nevertheless, was quite relieved to see she was back.

"Good morning," the mayor politely smiled, slipping her hands into her pockets and eyeing the blonde suspiciously.  She knew something was off.

Emma brushed her sweaty hands onto her apron, effectively now making her hands both sweaty and coated with flour, and slid the brunette her coffee.  Along with the coffee, she handed over a small pastry bag, just like the one she gave to the mayor when they first met.

"I didn't order that," Regina stated but picked up the back anyway.

"On the house," Emma regained a bit of confidence and even offered a wink.

All You Knead Is LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang