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The familiar chime of the door opening is what pulled the blonde from her thoughts as she kneaded the dough in front of her. A welcoming smile graced her ivory features, watching as a brunette woman confidently came to the counter, her heeled black boots accenting her steps against the wooden floor through the small, cozy bakery. 

A satin, plum blouse adorned her olive-toned chest, with a black wool coat buttoned down to her wrists, and a black pencil skirt making her legs go on for miles. However, nothing compared to the rich chocolate eyes that perfectly accented her beautiful face.  Not even the gold necklaces that graciously fell onto her perfectly sculpted collarbones.  Wow, the blonde thought, the universe is really picking favorites.

"Morning, ma'am," the baker breathed in awe. "What can I get'cha?"

"Coffee, black, one sugar," her eyes barely lifted from her phone, her burgundy-painted nails tapping furiously on the small buttons.

The blonde nodded, though the older woman never lifted her eyes to even see if her request was acknowledged.  The cash register buttons being pressed now accompanied the tapping on the phone.

"Will that be all?"

The brunette let out a deep huff, pushing her phone into her blazer pocket. Her brown eyes darted up to find sparkling green ones that watched her every move with a smug smirk.

"If I wanted more I would have requested it, no?"

The blonde grinned, completely unbothered by the woman's curt attitude.  "Absolutely, ma'am."

The brunette scoffed, "That's Madame Mayor to you.  I heard of this bakery from a dear friend of mine, and highly recommended at that, so I would rather not have my hopes let down by such a distasteful first impression."

"Anything for you, Madame Mayor," she basically purred as she quickly walked away and began to brew a fresh pot of coffee for the woman.

The mayor could not believe this woman was serious.  She a quirked an eyebrow at this blonde who seemed so keen on keeping that smug little smirk plastered to her face. She watched as the woman stepped into the back room, and came back with a small white bag moments later.  The fresh cup of coffee and white bag were then placed next to the cash register in between the two women.

"Here you are," the blonde smiled.

"I didn't order that," the brunette nodded toward the bag, handing over some cash.

"On the house," the blonde winked.

The mayor rolled her eyes, grabbing her coffee, the small white bag and her change, and leaving the bakery just as quickly as she came in.  She held her shoulders high and looked straight ahead, never a fault in her step.

The blonde was basically drooling all over her flour-coated apron as the brunette sashayed her hips, that tight black pencil skirt hugging her in all the right places.  She didn't even notice her hand that still rested on the boiling hot coffee pot until the pain settled and the woman let out a yelp.

"Ems, you okay?" Another woman quickly rushed from the back of the shop up to the blonde when she heard the cry.

"Yes, Ruby," she assured her worried friend, "I think I know what it means when people claim love at first sight, though."

Ruby laughed, a genuine belly laugh, at her friend's comment.  "Emma, was that the freakin' mayor?!"

"Yes," the blonde mumbled.  Her taller brunette friend only clicked her tongue and shook her head.

"If she likes this place she could bring really good business. It would be so great for us!!"

Emma held her burned hand against her chest, watching as the mayor climbed into a black Mercedes and pulled out of the parking lot.

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