A Beginner's Tool Kit

978 13 11

Your Basic Tools

There are many ways to get into witchcraft, and there is no wrong way to start practicing magic. Maybe you enjoy working with crystals, tarot cards or learning about magic from cultures around the world. Nothing is "off limits" in the world of magic, it is a force all around us that anyone can tap into.

Practicing magic isn't like the movies, most times things work slowly and take a lot of focus. As you improve your skills you should find that when working with your craft, things tend to just fall into place. I've listed a few pointers when getting started.

Right Headspace
You want to clear your mind and be as calm and "in the zone" as possible before casting a spell. Practice taking deep breaths and clearing your mind before any magic work. listen to calming music, relax for a moment in silence, whatever helps you leave the everyday behind.

"No man is able to declare their own virtues."

- Book of occult philosophy

A space of your own
Make sure your set up in a space of your own, somewhere you can get the peace and quiet you'll need for spell work. It could be your bedroom or a space dedicated to your craft. make sure to get rid of distractions; turn off your phone or put it on silent, turn off the tv or anything that creates too much noise. If you still have noise troubles, try noise canceling head phones to block out the clutter of sounds.

Mixing & blending
When mixing or blending for a spell remember to always stir clockwise to bring something into your life or move in a positive direction and stir anti-clockwise to banish away something or move in a negitive direction. Not all ingredients will need to be ground down with a mortar and pestle but for those that do, make sure to get them to as fine of a powder as possible.

Intent above all else
You'll need to charge spells with your intent, its important to take a moment to focus your intent for the spell once everything is set up. Focus on your energy with in, visualise the outcome, imagin your magic manifesting into reality through your finger tips. A stronger intent will give a spell more power.

Other Tools

When it comes to tools, you can pick and choose whatever fits you best. Maybe you enjoy tarot cards and astrology so you have no need for many tool. Or maybe you enjoy experimenting with crafting your own spells and would need extra tools. Regardless, I've listed some basic tools that I find to be very useful myself. There are also many other tools not listed below that one might find useful for their craft.

Mortar and pestle
Offering dish / bowel
Chest / box
Athame / sword

Moon water

Candles of various colors
Book of spells
Glass jars
Cloth bags
Wand or staff
Singing bowel
Tarot cards

Your tools will help you with not only everyday magic but spell craft and rituals. For instance; salt is always an important tool in protection and cleansing, a Mortar and pestle are great for grinding down herbs into fine powders and a Cauldron is a great place to burn your incense during spell work.

Glass jars are useful for those who like to create your own spell jars, store herbs, make moon water, potions or store other collected ingredients. Runes, tarot cards or pendulums are great divination tools. Maybe you have crystals around, or a tapestry to lay your things on or a box you keep them in. Perhaps you enjoy working with oils, herbs and crafting your own enchanted beauty products. One might have lots of jars, natural ingredients, spoons and other tools.

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