Chapter 2: Moonology

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Moonology is considered a pseudoscience like Astrology, that predicts information about affairs and events by studying the movements, phases and positions of the moon. In magic, magicians use the moon cycles as a form of sympathetic magic. A type of ritual as old as time that uses objects or actions to symbolically represent the intention of their spell work.

The Moon can push and pull the tides, it emanates a frequency that can effect our subconscious mind and spirit. It can help the spiritual energy grow and manifest, making it an ideal time for strong spells.

Lunar Magic is magic, rituals or craft preformed during a full moon or certen phase of the moon to absorb its energy. These types of things include; making moon water, charging crystals, cleanse space with insence, smudging, candles, meditate, crafting potions, spells or tonics and more.

Each phase of the moon holds its own magical properties and holds a prime time for Lunar magic. There are also a few special occasions through out the year; colored moons, meteor showers and other events.

Associations of the moon

Day- Monday

Tarot- The moon & high priestess

Element- water

Herbs- moon flower, Jasmin, mugwort

Crystals- moonstone, quartz, labradorite

Metal- silver

Oils- blue lotus, Jasmin, sandalwood

Animals- owl, wolf, bat, crab, cat

Full Moon Anointing Oil
Sunday | Night | 🌕 | ✨(clear night)

What is it?
Full Moon Anointing Oil is used for cleansing, blessings or anointing tools. It can also be used in spells, rituals, room sprays and more. This oil is crafted during a full moon, often in the late night when the moon is at its peek.

What you will need:
Glass bottle
4 Sandalwood
2 drops Rose oil
1 drops Jasmine oil
3 drop Vanilla oil
1 oz olive oil


1. Chose a glass container for your oil, a dropper bottle, essential oil bottle or glass spray bottle will do. It can be any size you chose, adjust the number of drops of each oil as needed.

2. Fill bottle with base oil: olive oil. Add in essential oil drops, close and shake well.

3. Charge oil in the full moon light (at least an hour) and store in a dark bottle.


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New Moon: 🌑

Spells- New beginnings
Herbs- bay, catnip, sage, witch hazel
Crystals- amethyst, tourmaline quartz
Oils- bay, jasmine, cedar, lemon

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