Chapter 4.

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I almost let out a shriek. He slides the dagger up his sleeve to where you cannot see the glow of scarlet. I turn the corner at a large red brick building and slide against the wall. How did they know where I would be? His stride, the way he puffs out his chest, and walks head up high, makes me think he is arrogant. I figure I will be more suspicious hiding behind a wall. I walk close towards the windows, but the sun glaring off the window temporarily blind me and I walk right into him. "What the Devil?" he says. When I finally notice who I run into my heart start thrashing around in my chest as if it will burst out. "Gah, I'm so sorry." I say. His piercing grass green eyes stare right into my ocean blue ones. "It's fine." he says, his accent is English. 

"Sorry." I mutter and walk away. A firm hand grabs on to my arm. "Hello, uh would you want to possibly eat lunch." he asks. "Uh, I'm sorry I have a uh, important errand to do." I nod, pick up my skirts, and walk fairly fast towards the tavern. "Oh are you sure?" I hear his voice fading away as the streetlights start blinking out one by one.

I sit down on a metal bench with peeling white paint. My heart is still pounding inside my chest. It's note safe to do it while that boy is here. Finally I decide to do it, and face whatever hell it brings me.

I walk the extra couple blocks, looking behind me every minute to make sure he isn't following me. I see a generously big manor on a short green hill. The manor is a red brick one with white oval and square windows. It has a marble sculpture in front with oak and maple trees surrounding the whole yard.

I knock on the door to a medium height boy with brown hair and hazel eyes. "Hello Ethan." "Hello?" he is obviously surprised. I take the pins out from my hair and tell him, "Want to have lunch?" He is mesmerized like I am a siren luring him to his death in the ocean.

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