Chapter 4

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My ankle was completely healed by the next morning and except for some dull soreness it was like it was never injured in the first place. But because I'd fallen asleep so early I was up before the sun and not a soul was in the Great Hall when I got there. Hot fresh breakfast was on the tables though and I sat in the vast silence of the hall and ate. I was physically ready for classes and had my school bag ready but mentally I was agonizingly absent even with Asta's advice. I had, I suppose, fallen into my yearly pit. First day of school was all excitement to see friends again but after that I fell by the wayside for the most part. I didn't do group activities and even on the Hogsmeade trips I went on with Albus and their group they very easily got caught up with each other and I just wasn't a part of that.

I thought more than once in my years at Hogwarts that maybe I did it to myself and maybe I did. I can't be sure. I just know I tried to be the best friend I could and it seemed to work until I felt lonely and then I could only see all the other things wrong.

"Good morning beautiful." I jumped as Asta's breath grazed my ear and then she laughs at me. "Good thing you are sitting this time."

"Last time I was laying down." I grumble she runs a thumb gently over my cheek and I can feel my body temperature rise. "Anyway you're here early."

"I usually get up before the sun does. Lazy thing." Asta grins and it makes me smile.

"Can I ask you something?" She gives me a gesture to proceed. "Will you um take classes with me? I mean if they're doing that this time will you be in my classes?" Asta smirks.

"You're so adorable." My blush deepens. "Yes. I'll take all your genius classes with you."

"They aren't advanced classes." I correct quickly.

"Then they are too dumb for you, yes?" She scrunches her nose teasingly and without thinking I kiss her.

"You are infuriating." I groan and she bursts into laughter. 

"I'm not going to complain about kisses from a beautiful girl but it is a little strange that it upsets the beautiful girl so much." Asta sighs and takes a deep breath to try and soothe her laughter.

"I'm going to tell you a secret." I say in hushed tones, "I think you're part veela. I think that's why you have this power over me. I think that's why you make me an absolute fool for someone I haven't even known for a day." She grins evilly.

"And yet I know more than the boy who says he's fancied you for five years?" I narrow my eyes at her.

"But he hasn't injured me either." I say matter-of-faactly.

"You injured yourself."

"And who scared me out of my skin?!" Asta bites her lip and I become self-conscious and turn away.

"Aiko?" I sigh at the sound of my name from her mouth. "Do you like me?"

I fidget. Silently, I battle myself. I think I like her but I've never liked a girl before. I've never thought about it. For five years I thought I just liked Louis. Louis gave me butterflies when he was around. And how do I like someone I barely know. But on the other hand she'd spent more time in the hours I'd know her trying to know me than anyone else I'd ever met. Something about her opened me up and that was terrifyingly thrilling. The way she saw me made me feel important.

"I don't know." I sigh and she nods slowly.

"It's okay. Like I said yesterday, until you know who you are I want to know more about you." Asta's sweetness unintentionally makes me feel horrible.

"Morning!" Scorpius sings dragging Albus behind him.

"Morning." I half smile and then catch the odd look Scorpius gives Asta. "Oh! Scorpius. Albus. This is Asta. Asta, these are my best friends Scorpius and Albus."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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