Dean x reader

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Warnings: angst, making up

A/n: there is an option for a part two at the bottom! Let me know :)

"Just talk to me y/n start from the beginning." Jody said softly placing a hand on my thigh. I sighed begging my story.

"Well it all started a few weeks ago...

I sit in the kitchen cooking up breakfast like I always do. Today I decided on making my crepe recipe with apple pie filling for dean and strawberry filling for Sam. Just before everything was finished I ran off and knocked on Sammys door waking him up and then went to deans room to do what I always do.

I got to his room and I knocked gently as I opened the door. I climbed into bed next to Dean sitting on top of the covers as I kissed his forehead gently and ran my fingers through his hair. It was just a routine we had developed. But suddenly his door opened again and I knew it wasn't Sam. I asked him to make coffee. Without thinking my hand flew to the bedside table and I grabbed the gun dean kept there and aimed it at the door.

And then when the door finally opened I saw a beta standing there. She screamed throwing her hands up.

"What's going on!" Dean shouted looking around frantic. He saw the girl and flung out of bed rushing to her. "Are you okay?!" He asked worried.

Had he not noticed me or did he just not care? She pointed a shaky finger at me and deans eyes widened seeing the gun in my hand.

"Y/n!" He shouted. "What the hell are you doing?!" He continued as he ripped the gun out of my hand and growled at me.

My omega whimpered. "I-I was just coming to get you u-up for breakfast like I always do. W-when she came in and startled me!"

"So you point a gun at her?! How stupid are you?!" My eyes bulged at his words and my heart broke slightly. But suddenly I was boiled over with rage.

"How stupid am I?!" I scream at him getting out of the bed and stomping up to him. "How stupid are you! YOUR the one who brought a girl here unannounced. YOUR the one who didn't even leave a note about it at least. YOUR the stupid horny alpha who only thinks with his dick instead of his brain! And you have the audacity to call me stupid because I acted on my instinct which was to protect both you and myself?! HOW DARE YOU!!"

Suddenly I saw Sam outside the door. Dean went to yell but Sam growled low in warning. "She's right dean. What you did was stupid."

"Me?! She-she-"

"Did what she always does! Protects your sorry ass!" Sam yelled.

"I didn't need protecting!" Dean yells as he put the beta behind him.

"And she didn't know that!" Sam contoured.


"Enough!" I yelled. "You." I said softer as I pointed to the cowering girl behind dean and held my hand out. "Come with me. And you can go wash yourself!" I spoke to dean harshly. The girl took my hand and I led her and Sam back to the kitchen.

"I-I'm really sorry." She whispered I shook my head at her smiling as a way of saying not to worry. "I didn't know he had an omega." At this I paused heart aching slightly.

"He doesn't." I whispered. "At least not one that's just his. I'm our packs omega nothing more to him or anyone for that matter. Now beyond that! What would you like inside your crepe? I have strawberry's, raspberry's, blueberry, chocolate, I can do a combo? You just let me know sweetie."  I spoke as I placed a plate at the new spot at the table along with a knife fork and napkin. "Or I can make eggs, bacon, I have avocado, I can make you a smoothie."

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