Investigation: Shunned

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It's amazing how quickly things can change. Take my life for example.

I used to be queen bee. I ruled the school, the guys drooled over me and the girls worshipped me. I wasn't the kind that would pick on the underdogs, that's not how I roll. I just simply didn't acknowledge them.

And what made all this so much better was the fact that my dad's never home. He owns some company overseas which means he travels, alot. He will be gone for months then only back for a few weeks. Sure, as a child this sucked monkey balls but as I got older this meant I had unlimited access to parties.

I was obviously never left completely alone, not even my dad's that low. When I was younger I had a nanny but once I got older dad left me with my brother, Luke. Luke is someone I know I can always trust. Sure, his not very responsible and usually goes to parties with me instead of trying to stop me but what do you expect, his 22. His gotta live his party years while he can. But I know I can always turn to him for help and he always has my back.

Well anyway, halfway through a semester of schooling I had to visit my grandmother for a month. No, she wasn't sick or anything. She just wanted to see us and insisted that she couldn't wait till the summer holidays. So my brother and I booked the next tickets to Paris and packed our bags.

Over the month I kept good contact with my friends, for the first 2 weeks. Then I couldn't find them on any social media and they weren't replying to my texts.

For the first week I let it slide thinking it was some practical joke. But then after 2 weeks I started worrying. Why would they block me and not reply to my texts?

Anyway, I got back from Paris and went back to school as soon as I could. I was so excited I thought I was going to wet myself like a small dog. But once I got to school I found out I had been shunned. Literally. Not one of my friends would talk to me and when I walked up to our 'group' they gave me their bitchy 'what the hell do you think you're doing' scroll and walked off.

After about, I dunno, the fifth time that happened it suddenly hit me. They were shunning me. No, not just them. The WHOLE SCHOOL was shunning me. Even the underdogs pretended I didn't exist and that's pretty sad because, well you know.

So I decided to go on an investigation. On an investigation to find out who started this shunning and spread whatever rumour they had to spread to get everyone to hate me.

Now, let me take it back to the start. To the Sunday before I was going back to school.

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