Chap. 13

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I leaned back from Nick's kiss with a laugh as he tried to distract me yet again. "Nick, seriously, we need to figure this out." I picked up my pen and paper and leaned it on my lap. "Okay, so we've got you in with the popular group so we need to figure out what to do from there..." I mumbled to myself as I nibbled in my pen.

"Can't we just forget it," Nick said as he pulled me into his chest. "Aren't you happy now?" He said whilst kissed me on the forehead.

"Of cause I am," I said as I twisted my body to face him. "But we can't let them get away with this."

"Okay," he said as he quickly pecked me on the lips. "But you have to go. Your phone has been going crazy all day plus it's 10 at night."

I heaved a sigh as I got up and gave Nick a quick kiss. Here goes what I've been regretting, going home.

I left Nick's house as slow as possible, treasuring any delay.


Only 20 minutes later I arrived at my house. All the windows were dark and from the outside it didn't even look like anyone lived there.

Slowly I make my way towards the door and rested my hand on the cold knob. Here it goes.

The door gave no resistants as I turned the knob and pushed the door. Slowly I creeped through the house, hoping everyone was asleep and not worried.

My victory was short because when I went to walk into the lounge room there was dad, sitting in his old leather chair.

"Um, hi." I said lamely as I stood right where I was, making no movement what so ever.

He stayed silent as he got up and maintained eye contact with me as he walked closer, stopping only a centimetre away from me.

I held my breath as the smell of alcohol radiated off him and in that moment I knew he was extremely drunk.

Without a moments warning he lifted his hand and swung as hard as he could at my cheek. When he made contact with me a flew to the side, my cheek instantly throbbing.

I held my cheek and stared with astonishment at him. He has never hit me before even was an annoying 12 year old.

Taking my moments distraction as an advantage he push me flat on the floor and placed his foot on my face.

"Never," he said through the grit of his teeth as he pushed down harder. "Will you ever disobey me again." He demanded as pressed his foot down harder on my face at every word.

I clawed at his foot trying to will it off but it was firmly placed. He finally took his foot off only to flip me over on my stomach and drag me across the room. I felt the carpet scrape across my face and I bit lip trying to get through the pain.

I looked to my left and saw a baseball bat from when I was younger and grabbed it, twisted my whole body around and smashed it across his face. Dad fell to the ground and with only one hit he was knocked out cold.

I quickly scrambled to my feet and ran to the front door. Without hesitation I jumped into my car and drove to the only person I could think of, Nick.

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